International students free to travel overseas and return

They must however meet the visa requirements; Five Steps explained again

Grant McPherson, Chief Executive, Education New Zealand

Grant McPherson
Wellington, February 10, 2022

International students who are currently in New Zealand, and have a valid visa with multiple entry conditions, can go home at any time from now to visit their friends and family and return here after 11:59 pm on Tuesday, April 12, 2022.

To re-enter New Zealand, they will need to meet the requirements of their current visa.

They will also need to meet all relevant vaccination and other health requirements.

For example, they must be fully vaccinated, and self-isolate on their return to New Zealand.

They need not go through a Managed Isolation and Quarantine facility. The self-isolation period is currently ten days, but this may be shortened in the future.

We know how hard it has been for so many students who have been caught by the border closure and how much they have missed their friends and families.

This is great news for them and the sector.

International students would welcome the freedom to travel (ENZ Photo)

Summary of Step 3 

This clarification is a part of Step 3 of the Reconnecting New Zealand plan and is summarised on the Immigration New Zealand website.

New Zealand’s border reopens to vaccinated New Zealand citizens and residents and other eligible travellers from Australia at 11:59 pm on February 27, 2022, and New Zealand citizens and residents and other eligible travellers from the rest of the world on March 13, 2022.

MIQ will be removed for most travellers in steps over 2022, replaced by self-isolation and tests on arrival. Unvaccinated travellers, and those who do not meet New Zealand’s vaccination requirements, who are eligible to enter New Zealand will continue to enter MIQ.

The Five Steps again

Step 1: From 11:59 pm on February 27, 2022. The following fully vaccinated people can enter New Zealand from Australia and self-isolate upon arrival (a) New Zealand citizens and residents (b)  Other eligible travellers under current border settings (c) Unvaccinated New Zealand citizens and those who do not meet New Zealand’s vaccination requirements for self-isolation, who are eligible to enter New Zealand will continue to enter managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ).

If you travelled to Australia from another country (excluding New Zealand), you must spend 14 days in Australia before you travel to New Zealand.

Step 2: From 11:59 pm on March 13, 2022: The following fully vaccinated people can enter New Zealand from anywhere in the world and self-isolate upon arrival (a) New Zealand citizens and residents (b) Other eligible travellers under current border settings (c) Skilled workers earning at least 1.5x the median wage (d) Travellers on a working holiday scheme (e) Partners and dependent children of New Zealand citizens and residents, provided they meet the usual visa and vaccination requirements (f) A family group does not have to travel to New Zealand together (g) Unvaccinated New Zealand citizens, and those who do not meet New Zealand’s vaccination requirements for self-isolation, who are eligible to enter New Zealand will continue to enter managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ).

Step 3: From 11:59 pm on April 12, 2022: The following fully vaccinated people can enter New Zealand from anywhere in the world and self-isolate upon arrival (a) Current temporary work and student visa holders with a valid visa who can still meet their visa requirements; this includes both visa holders currently offshore, and those in New Zealand who choose to travel overseas and wish to return (b) Up to 5000 international students for Semester 2

Step 4: From July 2022: The following fully vaccinated people can enter New Zealand and self-isolate upon arrival (a) All travellers from Australia (b) Visitors from countries who do not need a visa (visa waiver visitors) (c) Visitors from other countries who already hold a valid visitor visa (d) Travellers arriving under the Accredited Employer Work Visa categories.

Step 5: From October 2022: (a) All visa categories will reopen from October 2022, including visitor and student visas (b) Self-isolation requirements (c) Self-isolation is only available for fully vaccinated travellers who are eligible to enter New Zealand

Vaccination requirements for travel to New Zealand

You must self-isolate for 10 days in New Zealand. If New Zealand’s self-isolation period changes, such as a drop to 7 days, the self-isolation period for travellers will also change.

Travellers will be given three rapid antigen tests at the airport, one for use on day 0/1, and one for use on day 5/6, with one extra for backup.

Anyone who tests positive will need to take a PCR test at a Community Testing Centre or GP for whole-genome sequencing in order to quickly identify and respond to new variants coming across the border.

We will provide more information about self-isolation requirements when it is available.

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