They are Mathematical and Spiritual too
Adon Kumar
Auckland, January 5, 2018
How do you get keep up with your New Year Resolution?
This is one of the questions I get asked by my friends and clients.
The word ‘Resolution’ reappears at New Year with the power, pomp and colour of the NYE pyrotechnics.
We want to rip off the cobwebs that has covered last year’s resolution and try again this year. So how do you stop repeating the yearly resolution-breaking cycle?
Is Resolution+Plus the answer?
Perhaps it is time to look at what the word ‘Resolution’ and what its derivatives or inflections mean.
I will then share my personal tips on how I get my things done.
‘Resolution’ is a 14th century word. It has both Latin and French origins.
The Latin word Resolvere means ‘to loosen’ or ‘release’ something.
This immediately implies that you are already ‘stuck’ and some ‘power’ has got a grip or hold of you. The natural response when caught in the jaws of something is to try and somehow get out or release oneself. But how and what do I need to set myself free from this clutch?
Mathematical Problem
The base word that you get after removing the prefix ‘re’ is the word ‘solve’ or ‘solution.’
So, you can say that resolution also has a logical or mathematical meaning.
You have a problem which needs an answer. Therefore, you have to work out a way to find a solution.
Spiritual Problem
In the 19th century, Resolutio assumed a spiritual or religious meaning where religious people wanted to get away (retreat) somewhere to find a release or escape from their problem or time to resolve the problem.
This need for a higher power may mean that the problem is more than physical or mathematical. This implies that in some cases you need third-party spiritual or coaching help to find your solution.
Resolution, therefore means something that needs to be loosened, released or set free by logical mathematical and spiritual means.
To add a modern technological spin on the word, it is the optical fineness of an image, the resolution of a lens, image or the focused clarity (resolution) of a graphical image on your Smartphone, TV or a Computer.
The Grammatical Way
Where are we heading with all these?
In grammar, the act of changing a word from on type to another is called a declension or inflection. For example, the word ‘Resolution’ is a Noun and we can change it to an action word or verb; in this case ‘Resolve’ or to an adjective ‘Resolute’ to describe the noun.
This change does not happen automatically but is done by the person who chooses to accurately transform a word for a specific reason when speaking or writing.
Static Word
What exactly is a ‘Resolution?’
Resolution is a static word.
It states an intention, a decision, an aspiration, a plan, a determination or a simply a nice idea. But it did take some time for one to think and come to a deliberate statement of intent or simply triggered by a ‘me-too’ serendipitous and self-affirming thought at the dawn of the New Year.
Resolution is a dormant but a potent word. It is a seed-word awaiting a trigger.
Some Steps
Resolution needs to be turned into both a verb and an adjective to produce an outcome. These are the suggested steps:
Resolve: You must resolve in your mind to do something about the resolutions you have made. It is a deliberate act of will.
You tell yourself that you must and will take a number of steps to make them work for you. This includes the act of writing your resolutions on a piece of paper, on your goals chart, typing them on your computer or smartphone ‘to-do-list.’
Why not list them on your electronic wallpaper? Resolutions that are etched on your mind fade away like fluff after just a few days. They must be written down and placed in a prominent place to remind you daily to trigger some actions.
Be Resolute: This adjective has a plethora of descriptors for actions. It includes being bold, serious, adamant, persistent, steadfast, uncompromising, unwavering, constant, relentless, strong and even stubborn. Resolutions are often broken, forgotten and never achieved because you fail to be resolute in making it happen.
You have to be strong and focused with a clear and positive attitude that you will and can make your resolution a reality.
Resolutions are not self-fulfilling. You have to act upon the tasks you listed.
This may require some firm and difficult decision such as saying no to old habits, sacrificing some friends, money and above all some time.
Tell yourself daily, “I will do these to make them happen.”
Your resolute helps to resolve resolutions. Successful people exhibit this winning attribute.
My Resolution+Plus Tips
At New Year, I dream and come up with a wish list of things that I want to do or must do. Then I categorise and prioritise these and come up with only three to five resolutions that are important and transformative.
I then fall in love with those resolutions and feel a sense of excitement. That passion and emotion moves me to action.
I write them down on the first page of my diary, electronic calendar and on my electronic ‘to-do-list.’ I carry these on my mobile phone and see them appear before me when I launch my Microsoft Outlook every morning. They remind me about what I need to do to realise them.
I need to be accountable to myself or I need a third person to help and guide me.
So, I make God or a third person to whom I become accountable for my resolutions.
Business Class Travel
For example, one of my resolutions was to go on a lifetime cruise with my wife because I had never been on one before. I also wanted to surprise my wife and fly return business class from Auckland to London to catch a Cruise Ship.
I worked out the time and the means to make it happen. I agreed to make myself accountable for this resolution. I had to sacrifice a few things to save up for the trip.
I spent time searching on the Internet for the best business class deals.
I did some extra work to earn the money.
I was resolute when it came to temptation to slack, to spend money and time on other necessary items or when I got despondent about it all.
The reality was that I did surprise my wife on the day of departure when we entered the business class lounge in Auckland. How exciting it was to fly Emirates Business Class and experience the Sky Bar at 33,000 feet and cruise in style to Venice, Turkey, Croatia and Greece! I resolved my resolution!
The hardest aspect
The action part is the hardest part of all because it calls for commitment, dedication, accountability, sacrifice and sheer hard work.
Hence, take every small step and act consistently.
Resolution is a personal challenge for you to solve or resolve your chosen ‘problem.’
It is a mathematical or logical problem that has a solvable solution.
It is also a spiritual or meaningful emotional decision.
When all three are melded and shaped through the powerful action of the resolute mind, soul and body as the hammer falling on an anvil, the result is the fulfilment of your thoughts and work of art.
It is the loosening, the retreat, the answer and the release you always wanted.
That is Resolution+Plus and it is only you who has the power to make it possible.
Adon Kumar is an English Language Lecturer and Employment Coach based in Auckland. Migrants find his Language and Coaching classes valuable guides to success. He discusses migrants’ issues on his Facebook Page and conducts Free English Lessons every Sunday at 1120 am on Planet FM 104.6. He is seen in the picture here with his wife in Business Class on Emirates- a Resolution that he made to himself last year.