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Hope God is not computer savvy

Is there a relationship between Science and God or are they mutually exclusive?

We often ask ourselves this vexing question but are not able to find an intelligible answer.
I wonder what would happen if God decides to go hi-tech.

Let us imagine a scenario. You dial God’s number. A Voicemail message would say, “Hi! Thank you for calling God. Please select one of the following options: Christians, press 1; Hindus, press 2; Muslims, press 3; all others, press 0.

Let us say that you are a Hindu and you pressed 2. You would hear the following: “Press 1 for requests, 2 for ‘Thank You’ messages, 3 for complaints about unfulfilled promises; and 4 for all other enquiries.”

If your prayers are still not answered, dial ‘0’ and ask for Naradmuni.

Or if all Gods are busy, you might hear the message, saying, “We are sorry, all our Gods are busy attending to people. However, your prayer is important and hence will be answered shortly.”

You are also likely to hear the following: “If you know your God’s extension, dial it now.” Another possibility is, “If you would like to speak to Ganesh, press 1; 2 for Hanuman; 3 for Krishna, 4 to confess and 5 for favours.”

Here is yet another possibility. “You have reached Krishna’s extension. I am away to wage a war against evil forces to save humanity and will return in 2013. If the matter is urgent, contact Shankara on 123456789.”

Sincere prayer

Let us hope and pray that God never learns about computers and how to use them; because, the day He does, we would be in big trouble!

I received the above scenario from a friend with a wild imagination.

I was intrigued the hilarious way in which he had connected God with modern technology.

I then asked myself whether God and computer complemented each other.

Is the line between physical reality (computer) and virtual reality (God) blurred?

I realised that as we get more technologically advanced, we would get father away from God. Technology makes us more detached from what is holy about ourselves, namely our relationship with God.

This is frightening.

Can we let our blind dependence on technology distract us from the most basic need to turn to God? Can we let our belief in God scare us away from the wonderful world of science and technology?

I believe that Science and Divinity are not mutually exclusive! We should realise that we are here for a bigger purpose, something technology; that is to seek Him.

Dr V Subramaniam is a retired Chartered Accountant with a doctorate (PhD) from the University of Canterbury. He is a member of professional, accounting and management institutes in Singapore, New Zealand, Australia and UK.

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