Jonathan Coleman
More children are seeing their daughters today.
We want to ensure young Kiwis get the best possible start in life.
Removing the cost barrier of doctor visits and prescription charges is having a really positive impact on many families.
The latest Ministry of Health data shows that the average number of visits for under 13s has increased almost 14% between July and December 2016, compared with the same period in 2014.
The data shows that more Maori and Pacific children are being seen by their enrolled GP. There was 14.9% increase in visits for Maori children and an 11.1% increase in visits for Pacific children between July and December 2016, compared with the same period in 2014.
More than 99% of New Zealand GP practices receive funding to make zero fees possible for under-13s.
Based on DHB reported coverage, around 780,000 children under 13 have access to free after-hours general practice visits within 60 minutes’ travel time.
The government is committed to ensuring that not only do our children have the access to the care that they need but that they can also access after-hours care.
Dr Jonathan Coleman is Health Minister of New Zealand.