Hamilton gears up to Plantathon, restoring Nature

Hamilton City Council and city residents work towards a greener future (Image Supplied)

Praneeta Mahajan
Hamilton, July 4, 2024

Hamilton residents are gearing up for the Nature in the City Plantathon, a series of three Saturday planting events in July organised by the Hamilton City Council. The initiative aims to plant 15,000 native plants over three weekends, with the help of the local community.

The Plantathon is a key part of the Nature in the City Programme, which seeks to increase Hamilton’s native vegetation cover from a current 2% to 10% by 2050. This ambitious goal involves restoring hundreds of thousands of plants across more than 1000 hectares.

The Council has scheduled three events across the city, on July 6, 2024 at Sandford Park from 1 pm to 3 pm, July 13, 2024 at Hillcrest Stadium from 1 pm to 3 pm, and on July 20, 2024 at Minogue Park from 1 pm to 3 pm.

Community Call to Action

“We are restoring nature in the city, but we cannot do it alone,” said Aimee Nooyen, a representative of the Hamilton City Council.

“We need as many nature-loving volunteers as possible to help us at the Plantathon. Restoring nature has never been so important. We are excited to be hosting events that give the community a great opportunity to connect with nature and make a difference while having fun.”

In addition to the satisfaction of contributing to environmental restoration, volunteers can enjoy a free sausage sizzle and live music at the Hillcrest Stadium and Minogue Park events, designed to boost morale and make the planting experience more enjoyable. These events are not only about restoring nature but also about bringing the community together and offering a fun activity for families.

Getting Involved

“We know there are so many passionate Hamiltonians who want to restore nature but have not been able to fit it into their busy schedules. The Plantathon is perfect for busy families who can spare a Saturday afternoon,” Ms Nooyen added.

Volunteers are advised to bring a water bottle, sensible clothing, shoes, and a rain jacket. If available, gloves and spades should also be brought along. Due to limited parking availability, attendees are encouraged to bike or walk to the Plantathon events.

Hamilton City Council’s Nature in the City Plantathon represents a significant step towards a greener future, and the community’s involvement is crucial to its success. Hamiltonians are joining in to make a lasting impact on the city’s natural landscape and leading by example for future generations.

Praneeta Mahajan is an Indian Newslink reporter based in Hamilton.

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