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Greetings from Us

Year 2014 will be noted as one of the most significant in the history of world- more so in the case of India, Fiji and New Zealand. From a political point of view, the three countries witnessed the most keenly fought general election in their respective territories, and in all of them, people’s faith in democracy was either reinstated or reinforced. With a clear majority mandate, India and Fiji can expect to have stable governments, with progressive policies and programmes for the betterment of the common people.

Although the National Government of John Key did not get an absolute majority to govern alone, the fact he will put together an amicable coalition is expected to witness not only a stable Government but also good and clean governance.

Democratic resurgence

Indians from India have several reasons to be proud of their country, for, apart from electing a Government that would balance between private sector prosperity and uplifting the poor people, the country has witnessed a series of achievements, the most significant of which is the recent mission to Mars. Fijians of Indian origin in Fiji also have cause to rejoice because for the first time since the arrival of their ancestors more than 135 years ago, they have won the right to live and work as equal citizens. New Zealand stands as a shining example of embracing multiculturalism (albeit a small minority may be averse to it) and reap the benefits of multi-ethnic talent to grow.

The world continues to live in fear as terrorists and Islamic extremists wreak havoc in many parts of the Middle East, especially Iraq and Syria. The Western powers, including America, Britain and Australia must also examine their policies of intervention carefully and ensure that the situation does not escalate.

Good tidings

Despite all the misgivings that go on in some parts of the world, the dawn of the festive season leading up to Christmas and New Year should be viewed with optimism and hope. There is reason to believe that the bad would give way to the good.

That indeed is what Diwali is all about – hope and joy for the people of the world; with the wrongdoers realising their folly and falling in line with a majority who wish to live in peace and harmony.

Growing family

Indian Newslink belongs to a family of readers who represent every facet of human faith and disposition, some of them even transcending the borders of religion, just as they do with language and nationality.

It is therefore natural for us to commemorate every major event on the social and religious calendar of the community of people with equal zest and sincerity.

For, we are in partnership with people and partake in their vicissitudes and joy.

Joyful occasion

Diwali is an occasion in which we rejoice with our men, women and children who celebrate the festival in their homes with men, women and children who do not celebrate the festival in their homes.

That is the spirit of Festival of Lights.

It belongs to all, but as Hindus appeal, it should be observed within the tenets of Hinduism just as people do in celebrating the observances of their faiths.

Just like the rays of the Sun that and lights and the stars that shine from above.

Our Gratitude

As Hindus, Sikhs and others mark Diwali on October 23, 2014 (the actual day of Observance), we at Indian Newslink are confident that good sense will prevail among men and women, so that our children will embark on their lives, careers and businesses with greater confidence and competence. The World has witnessed too many wars, conflicting ideologies and destruction and it is time to end this untoward parade.

In presenting this ‘Diwali 2014 Special,’ we pay our respects and tributes to our forebears, and extend our sincere greetings to our advertisers in Indian Newslink and Indian Newslink Fastfind Indian Business Directory, sponsors and supporters of the Indian Newslink Indian Business Awards, Indian Newslink Sir Anand Satyanand Lecture, Indian Newslink Indian Sports Awards, our photographers, correspondents, contributors, and all the others who ensure the success of our ventures.

May this Diwali promote good health, good spirits and goodwill among all of humanity.

Happy Diwali!

-The Indian Newslink Team

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