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Grandeur embellishes traditional values

Manurewa is a place where people choose to live, work and play.

Many locals own or are employed in thriving businesses in the area, while others take the easy commute to nearby commercial and industrial centres such as Takanini, Manukau, Highbrook, East Tamaki and the Airport.

Some hop on a train into the CBD from Manurewa’s busy transport hub near the bustling town centre. But all come to live here for the varied lifestyle options and the great sense of community that Manurewa has to offer.

“We are a diverse group of people. Many of us identify closely with the neighbourhood we live in, but we also connect through our cultural identities, artistic expression and leisure activities. We participate in our many communities in a variety of ways, with volunteering on the increase,” residents said.

Magnificence personified

Manurewa is gifted with magnificent parks and open spaces.

Community planting projects along our streams and around the harbour’s edge are maturing, providing new habitats for birds and other wildlife.

People are able to swim again at Weymouth Beach and collect kaimoana from the shallow waters at low tide. The fish too are returning in greater numbers.

It is easy to get to where people need to go in Manurewa.

Public transport services are frequent and convenient, and people can get to most places without having to take the car.

More people are walking and cycling to their destinations, or for leisure and recreation.

More visitors are coming here too.

They can be seen relaxing at the Town Centre, fresh off the train or on their way home.

Million visitors

A million people come to the Botanic Gardens each year, and to walk and cycle around the harbour’s edge. For many, this leaves a lasting impression of the beauty of our region. They also come to take part in our iconic Puhinui Coastal Ramble and other events that are now held each year.

Manurewa is truly a great place to live and visit.

Development initiatives

The ‘Manurewa Plan’ expresses the opinion of residents.

It sets the framework that will guide decision-making and actions for the next three years.

It informs the Local Board’s decisions on local activities, and enables the Local Board to represent people’s interests and preferences on regional strategies and plans.

It also provides the flexibility to cope with changes that will happen during the next three years. Local Councillors work closely with all sectors of the community to understand the evolving needs, issues and priorities.

Funding Policy

The long-Term Plan (LTP) of Auckland Council defines the Funding Policy.

Some local board funding relates to local assets and facilities. The governing body makes the initial investment decisions and then local boards oversee the budgets and operations.

Local boards are also allocated funding to deliver local programmes and initiatives.

This Local Board Plan contains indicative budget tables for the next three years.

This budget is based on the LTP 2012-2022, with adjustments to reflect annual plans and other budget changes.

The budgets for the next three years will be different because they reflect recent amendments to the Local Boards’ funding policy and because the Council is preparing the draft LTP for the ten-year period covering 2015-2025.

This preparation includes a review of funding for all projects, which may affect some local board plan projects that are currently funded.

The Draft Local Board plan showed the funding status of key initiatives to deliver each plan outcome. This funding status is not included in this final local board plan, because it could change as the LTP 2015-2025 is developed.

Article and Pictures Source: Auckland City Council

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