Another intense dose of Trans-Tasman rivalry is about to hit Auckland.
Some of the best U17 badminton players in Australasia are representing their State or Region and Country in a Tournament scheduled to be held from April 19 to 26, 2014.
The Tournament would also incorporate The June Bevan Trophy.
Mostly held in Australia, the event comes to New Zealand once every four years and is held in Auckland even less often.
Badminton is a very fast, action packed, intense sport at this level, with plenty of dives, jump smashes and high energy and pressure. It mixes high power with subtle touches to give the spectator some exciting viewing.
New Zealand, in particular the Northern Region team, has a strong history of success in this event, winning the Team Title 22 out of 28 times between 1984 and 2013.
However that does not guarantee victory against talented and determined Australian state teams.
The forthcoming Tournament would be great for outing with family and friends, and a great way to start the school holidays.
The Auckland Badminton café and pro shop will also be open providing full service.
Team finals would be held on April 22, while the individual finals will be held on April 26.
For further details, please visit
Cliff Freeman is Development Manager of Auckland Badminton.