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Fifteen years of patronage truly gratifies

We have never indulged in self-adulation since Indian Newslink commenced publication on November 15, 1999.

We have never proclaimed ourselves as the Number One Indian Newspaper (certainly not even before we marked our first Anniversary).

We never awarded ourselves superlatives; that is not our business.

To us, journalism is not a hobby or just a passion. It is a profession, it is our livelihood, and it is our responsibility to you.

Even in this age of digital revolution, we have not subscribed to the theory that plagiarism is the best form of flattery.

Our stories are cut and dry; not cut and paste.

Special Status

We must be doing something right. For, it is not for nothing that we have earned the honour of being your favourite newspaper; your preferred advertising medium; and most important of all your listening post, with an eye for your care and a heart for your concern. Someone told us years ago that we should offer them a shoulder to cry on and a smile to lean against.

Perhaps we are doing the right thing. Because over the years, our family have grown to cross boundaries of class, religion, belief, income, age and even ethnicities. When people are happy they call us; when they are sad, they contact us to share their woes.

We may not have the palliatives for all ailments. But we are good listeners, and more, we are good communicators. We carry your thoughts and concerns to the concerned.

In many cases, we have succeeded in getting you a good hearing.

In a few cases, we have taken a good hiding.

All about You

But all in good faith and sport. What is a good scold between friends, brothers and sisters? We are here for a purpose – you.

That is right- Indian Newslink is all about you; you as a reader, advertiser, contributor, correspondent, well-wisher, admirer, critic and even competitor.

All we ask is a fair game in a fair playing field.

The referees will decide who is right and who is not; who is the winner, who is not. They know the rules of judgment. They are fair.

That is again you – our referees.

Core Principles

Fifteen years ago, we told ourselves that we will remain honest, even if that does not make us rich. That we will remain unbiased even if that keeps us on an edge all the time. That we will not stray from our chosen path of integrity, even if it makes us look ‘impractical moralists’ in front of some people. That we will take a stand on issues for the good of the community, even if it means crossing some paths. That we will tell a story as it happens, even if it appears to be something ‘negative.’ It is simple: there is no energy without a combination of positive and negative.

That is what journalism has been and will always be. Some things never change; they should not, for the good of all of us.

New Milestone

Every year we take a bow to you and we do so this year with renewed vigour, veneration and veracity. We have reached a new milestone this year.

Somewhere in this Special Report, we have eulogised Number 15 stating its unique qualities that ride across several communities and ethnic groups around the world.

You have made us what we are today- stronger, brighter, mature and most important of all, sensitive to your needs.

We have been criticised and condemned by even some of our friends. We take each of these in our stride.

Indian Newslink belongs to the extended Indian community including Indians from India, Fiji and rest of the world, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans, Nepalese and people from the Middle East, and hence the publication has been on the forefront of a number of issues of concern to the community.

Changing Characteristics

As we move towards the realisation of our objectives (there are many), we are constantly aware of the characteristic changes that the print medium is constrained to undergo, at times altering the course of journalistic values.

The audio and visual medium, not to overlook the vast strides being made by the Internet, are beginning to bite.

The future of the print medium rests on its ability and willingness to embrace change and cope with the times.

But it remains uncertain as to what mix of advertising revenue, tips and subscriptions will fund the news providers of the future, and how large a role today’s providers will have.

What is clear is that the control of news, what constitutes it, how to prioritise it and what is fact, is shifting subtly from being the sole purview of the news provider to the audience itself, be it the reader, listener, viewer or site hopper on the web.

Our gratitude

As we present this Fifteenth Anniversary Special, we bow in sincere gratitude before our readers, advertisers, sponsors, correspondents, contributors and well-wishers. We offer our sincere salutations to all of you and say how privileged we are to have you in our columns and look forward to reading more of your thoughts and opinions on issues of national and social significance in the editions to follow.

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