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Farewell Bosso, eyes are wet since you left

Issue 428 December 1, 2019

It is often said that sleep is short death and death is long sleep.

We would like to believe that our Founder-Managing Director & Publisher Ravin Lal has had short death and that he would return in a week or two and call us to say that he has determined to help us with the next issue of Indian Newslink.

But Death plays a nasty game with us mortals, making us helpless observers, incapable of reversing its moves.

The death of Ravin on the morning of November 28, 2019, succumbing to a battle of illness, left a void which would be hard to fill.

Our former Boss Ravin Lal

Emphasis on Freedom

For, the man raised the debate on freedom of speech and more, freedom of the press through fearless protection of his Editor with passion.

Eighteen years ago, when our offices were savaged by a merciless fire, everything was gutted, except hope- he had it in abundance. We bounced back in less than 18 hours and two days later, the issue was published on schedule.

None could intimidate him; “If you have facts and the courage to back it, go ahead and carry it; even it is about me, be the fearless Editor that you are Bosso,” he would say.

Boundless enthusiasm

Twelve years ago, we launched our Business Awards Programme. Our ambition was unmatched by finances but the man was undeterred. “We will be recognised and we do not have to look back,” he said.

Those words came true.

Soon thereafter, we thought of our Lecture series.

His response was enthusiastic.

“What a great idea. Let us do it, Bosso,” he said. “We should organise such quality programmes and stimulate the thinking of people. I am with you.”

And then followed the Sports and Community Awards and others.

Editorial integrity

Ravin was not a writer but knew how the Newsroom should function.

He believed as much on editorial integrity as he did on its independence.

He told John Key when the latter was the Prime Minister: “I have always believed in honest and fearless journalism. Indian Newslink may be a small newspaper but it follows principles and high professional standards. We have never failed to do our duty even on the face of threats and risks of legal challenges. I concentrate on the business aspects of the newspaper while highly experienced and competent professionals look after editorial and production to deliver a quality newspaper every fortnight. I am sure that this newspaper will continue to grow.”

Multitask veteran

He had long innings in the publishing industry and was a master in Marketing. He would plan features that no one ever has been able to emulate. He was a salesman, photographer, thumbnail artist and minutes after each issue is printed, its distributor. And from the following day, he would become the bill collector.

There was no job big or small for Ravin.

It may have been easy to differ on issues with Ravin, but there was never the thought of breaking away from him. He was firm on principles but gentle on relationships.

He was, in a sense, one of a kind.

Many have recounted their friendship with Ravin but none of them have let their eyes grow dry.

Have you ever seen a grown-up men cry?

Many of us did as we heard the dreaded news.

Ravin, sleep Bosso, you did not have time for it when you were alive.

Before we join you, we will try and live up to your standards.


Indian Newslink is published by Indian Newslink Limited from its offices located at Level 1, Number 166, Harris Road, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013 and printed at Horton Media Limited, Auckland. All material appearing here and on our web editions are the copyright of Indian Newslink and reproduction in full or part in any medium is prohibited. Indian Newslink and its management and staff do not accept any responsibility for the claims made in advertisements. Managing Director & Publisher: Jacob Mannothra; Editor & General Manager: Venkat Raman; Production Manager: Mahes Perera; Financial Controller: Uma Venkatram CA; Phone: (09) 5336377 Email:;


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