Over the past 16 years, we have sourced over $8 billion in funding.
We are in contact with the banks on a daily basis, which enables us to provide our clients with the absolute best terms and conditions available in the marketplace.
As all borrowers are aware, up to 2007, the major banks were lending aggressively. In addition, there were numerous finance companies that provided funding for any half-viable project.
The GFC changed the finance market.
Major banks became extremely conservative and expensive and finance companies went bust or stopped lending.
In 2009-2010, we started seeing banks lending again albeit on an expensive basis partly due to their ‘liquidity margin.’
Most borrowers generally had no alternative and had to live with the higher margins and fees.
All banks were generally charging the same anyway.
From late 2010, we started seeing some healthy competition from the banks on better quality loans as they competed for a piece of a smaller pie.
The outcome of the increased competition between banks is that fees and margins on the better loans are materially reducing from 12-24 months ago.
Banks will not offer reduced pricing to you, so you need to be proactive to obtain the benefit.
At Reesby & Company, we know exactly what the banks current pricing and loan conditions are.
We believe the best strategy is to contract our Company to assess the loan, provide a recommendation as to the likely pricing and terms and have Reesby & Co negotiate this for you.
We can quickly tell you whether your pricing and terms are competitive and whether the exercise is worthwhile.
In the event a bank does not play ball, we would tender the facility to three or four lenders, which will ensure the most competitive facility is obtained.
Our preference is to not change lenders, just to make sure you are getting the best deal.
Our Company’s fee represents a small percentage of the savings obtained.
Therefore, if we do not save you money, then we do not receive a fee.
For more information, call (09) 3773606 or visit www.reesby.co.nz
Editor’s Note: Reesby & Company is the Sponsor of the Business Excellence in Property Investment Category of the Indian Newslink Indian Business Awards 2011.