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Despite hardships, the North Shore icon continues his feeding spree

Kindness Connects


Rain or Sunshine, Taka Peters continues his daily service (Photo by Sylvie Whinray)

Editor’s Standfirst: In this new series, our Auckland Correspondent Vineeta Rao, focusing on human interest stories and people who make a difference in our communities.

Vineeta Rao

Where contemporaries his age are heading to the golf course, enjoying a spot of fishing and making the most of retired life, Taka Peters believes that he has a purpose – to serve his community.

For the last three years, he has been ‘rescuing perfectly good leftovers,’ from caterers, otherwise destined for the landfill, and feeding his community at Beach Haven and Northcote on the North Shore, from the boot of his car.

How it began

It all began when Taka, approaching retirement age, was on the benefit after spine surgery.

His neighbour, a caterer supplying school meals, had leftovers and offered them to Taka who offered them to his Church. Unfortunately, food handling rules for organisations meant that they could not use fresh food donations. This troubled Taka who had already committed to his neighbour to take on all the leftovers.

So he just loaded them in his car, headed for the shops in his suburb Beach Haven and offered the food parcels to passersby. And the rest was history.

Rain or shine, Taka was at his spot, handing out free food to those who wanted it, from the boot of his car. The food is free. All I ask is some koha towards fuel. I love doing what I do. It gives me purpose,” he said.

Today, Taka is a North Shore icon.

For a man who claims to be retired, he has a busy schedule.

He is in charge of one of the kitchens set up by Life Church on the shore, sources and collects food from caterers, feeds people at Lancaster and Northcote shops, and volunteers with mental health not-for-profit Equip’s ‘Our Voice’ Programme.

His cheerfulness, helpfulness and willingness to lay bare his vulnerabilities make him relatable and an advocate for mental health and community issues.

Taka Peters is an icon at Auckland’s Northshore (Photo by Vineeta Rao)


Despite the many accolades he has won for his community service, including a nomination for New Zealander of the Year (he lost to the Black Ferns), Taka is grounded. When I met him at the Beach Haven Community House Weekly Kitchen, Taka was clearly in his element, exchanging banter with senior citizens and handing out praise and advice to local children.

He is generous in using his newfound fame to shine the spotlight on the work of others in the community. He points out his ‘partner in crime’ Jenny Wheeler who runs the Life Kitchen at Beach Haven, Rebecca and Ned So’e from Life Community. Peters also speaks glowingly of Life Church, which he said saw him through his ‘darkest days.’

Taka said what he does is not difficult but needs persistence and determination.

“If someone else wants to replicate what I do in their corner of New Zealand, they can. They need to knock on many doors and make a lot of phone calls to get donations.”

But he admits that it is not easy these days. The recent government reboot of the school lunch system means that individual caterers, from whom he collected leftover lunches, have now been replaced by a multinational company. Aside from the fact that there have been widespread concerns over how unappetising the new meals are, there is also no visibility on leftovers.

The new reality of ‘nothingness’

Taka said that nearly 90% of the food he distributed has vanished and he struggles to continue feeding his community.

“One of my regulars is Edgar, an elderly man who lives in Haumuru Housing. He used to collect the food parcels from me, have a bit of a chat and go home. He is in his late 80s, too old to cook for himself. He asked me whether I had any food left and I had to tell him that there is no food available now. I do not know how he will manage. Many elderly people are finding it hard with the cost of living being what it is!” he said.

But Taka’s irrepressible nature will not let him worry too long. As we ended our meeting, he was already on the phone, making calls and trying to find new ways to help his community.

If you would like to help Taka feed the community on the North Shore or know someone who is going above and beyond to help the community, please email

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