Covid-19 restrictions to ease in Waikato; Auckland to move next week Sourced Content

(RNZ Collage)

Sourced Content
Wellington, November 2, 2021

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that Waikato would move down to Alert Level 3 Step 2 from midnight Tuesday, November 2, 2021 and that Auckland may move likewise next Tuesday at 11.59pm.

Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said that easing restrictions gradually in Auckland is a pragmatic move and that the government is acting on the advice of Public Health.

Covid-19 Modeller Michael Plank has warned that relaxing restrictions in Auckland and parts of Waikato would accelerate case numbers.

Covid by numbers

There were 162 new community cases on November 1, 2021. Of the new cases, 156 are in Auckland, five in Waikato and one in Northland. There are 53 people in hospital; more than 3.1 million New Zealanders are now fully vaccinated; more than 20,000 vaccines were administered on October 31, 2021; cases could peak at 200 a day.

Covid-19 cases may peak this month at 200 a day according to modelling that takes vaccination rates into account.

The government modelling suggest that there could be 1400 Covid-19 cases reported a week by the end of the month. This would result in 150 new hospitalisations a week, with 11 of those patients requiring intensive care. The modelling was based on a median scenario with a transmission rate of between 1.2 and 1.3.

Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield said that ICUs will not be overwhelmed with those numbers.

Tonga goes into lockdown

Two days ago, Tonga recorded its first case of Covid-19, now Tongatapu, the main island has gone into lockdown and stay there until Sunday, November 7, 2021.

The positive case arrived in Nuku’alofa on a repatriation flight from Christchurch and while he is asymptomatic, he is being cared for alone in a special quarantine facility in Mu’a.

Tonga’s Ministry of Health Chief Executive Dr Siale Akau’ola said that the remaining 214 passengers were in MIQ at the Tanoa Hotel while about 80 frontline workers who met the flight are also in MIQ at the Kupesi Hotel.

“In terms of gatherings this is the most significant part of the lockdown. No schools, all schools are closed, no church gathering, no kava club, no entertainment or any kind of gathering,” RNZ Pacific Correspondent in Tonga, Kalafi Moala, said.

Supplement sales soar

Sales of natural health supplements have risen since Covid-19 arrived in New Zealand, but some products can have adverse effects such as anaphylaxis or death.

Supplements, however, are largely unregulated in New Zealand, with the Ministry of Health saying that the pandemic has delayed new legislation.

Ten years of Medsafe data shows that two people died from complementary and alternative medicine and that 30% of suspected reactions are life-threatening or cause disability.

About 80% of New Zealanders have taken natural health supplements, and Nielsen data shows sales in supermarkets alone rose by nearly 14% in the past two years, reflecting worldwide trends.

A Flourish data visualisation

Man found after quarantine escape, police charge after gathering

Two positive community cases fled the Jet Park Managed Quarantine Facility yesterday, in the second breach of MIQ security at the weekend.

Police said one of the people has been found and returned to MIQ. He was found during a vehicle stop in west Auckland.

The whereabouts of a woman who also skipped MIQ on Saturday is known to Police but public health officials says she does not need to return.

Police say that a decision around any charges will be made soon.

Meanwhile, Police said that a 36-year-old man had been arrested and charged with Failing to Comply with Order (Covid-19) in relation to attending a gathering at the Auckland Domain and subsequent march through Newmarket on Saturday.

Ronapreve Covid-19 treatment

A Covid-19 treatment the government is purchasing can help reduce the number of people dying from the virus, says an expert from the University of Otago.

Pharmac revealed yesterday it is set to subsidise Ronapreve, also known as Regeneron or REGEN-COV, which is used for people in danger of becoming severely unwell.

It is expected to be in the country by Christmas.

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