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Auckland Council, May 19, 2017
Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board is asking its community for feedback on its draft local board plan, which includes a range of outcomes, projects and priorities it proposes to focus on over the next three years.
Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board chair Lotu Fuli said, “With help from what our community has already told us is important to them, we have come seven broad outcomes to focus on and a range of ideas help us realise them. Auckland faces many challenges and local boards cannot expect funding for everything we would like to do, and hence we must make choices and our plan represents the most urgent and worthwhile projects. Now we need our community’s help to tell us if we are on the right track.”
The local board has identified the following seven focus areas:
Manukau transformation so that the centre of Manukau is the thriving heart of the area, attracting business and visitors
Revitalising town centres so that Otara, Hunters Corner and Old Papatoetoe are busy and vibrant hubs of their community
Parks and facilities meet people’s needs – so they can live healthy and active lifestyles and have access to quality parks and facilities
Healthy and natural environment – free of litter, pest and pollution
Empowered, inclusive and prosperous communities – where people feel welcome, safe and proud of their area and support each other
Honouring youth and seniors
It is easy to get around the area on foot, car, bike or public transport networks.
Ms Fuli says there is also a strong emphasis on celebrating the area’s vibrant and diverse cultures and providing communities with advice to help them influence decision makers on social issues such as harm from gambling and alcohol.
Among some of the ideas it is seeking feedback on are establishing an ethnic diversity forum and a proposed memorial garden in Hayman Park honoring Pacific soldiers.
Ms Fuli said that the Board was keen to utilise the opportunity to gain input on whether shops should be allowed to trade on Easter Sunday.
“I encourage people to take the time to read the plan, or come and talk to us about it, because we can’t do this alone. Together we can achieve great things for Otara-Papatoetoe,” she said.
The Steps
Submissions on the draft Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board Plan open on Monday, May 22, 2017 and close on June 30, 2017.
Please visit to read the full plan and to make a submission or come and discuss with local board members one of the following events in your community:
Monday, May 29, 2017, 6pm to 8pm in the Manukau Room, Auckland Council annex, Manukau Station Road. This is a ‘Have Your Say’ event in which you can take part in a facilitated discussion with local board members.
Pop-up events: Friday, May 26, 2017, 530pm to 9pm at The Friday Night Market, Hunters Plaza, Papatoetoe; Saturday, June 24, 2017, 8am to 1130am, Otara Flea Market.