Guru Nanak Jayanthi 2014

Guru Nanak Jayanthi 2014

Gurdwaras plan festivities to honour the Guru

To millions of Sikhs around the world, Guru Nanak is the prime teacher, philosopher and guide who gave them a religion, enriching their moral, social

Guru Nanak Jayanthi 2014

Festivities inspire unity and service

Anniversaries associated with the lives of the Sikh Gurus are marked as Gurpurbs (festivals). The birthdays of Guru Nanak and Guru Govind Singh and the

Guru Nanak Jayanthi 2014

Guru Nanak, River Bein and Climate Change

EcoSikh President Dr Rajwant Singh exhorted a multi-faith audience of over 200 activists from all over the East Coast of US to form a joint

Guru Nanak Jayanthi 2014

Great leader of a great religion

The founder of the Sikh religion, Guru Nanak was born in 1469 in the Western Punjab village of Talwandi to a simple Hindu family. His

Secularism goes beyond tolerance

I was amazed when I immigrated with my family to New Zealand as a teenager to observe the principal at a state secondary school opening

Guru Nanak Jayanthi 2014

A few simple rules at the Gurdwara

Gurdwara (the door or the gateway to the Guru) is the name given to the Sikh’s place of worship, commonly addressed as Sikh temple in

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