Child Care Centres

Child Care Centres

Colourful world of children keeps growing

Raising children in a positive environment according opportunities for their intellectual, physical and personality development has grown beyond parental and domestic responsibility with the government

Child Care Centres

Quality care ensures healthy growth of children

Early Childhood Education (ECE) forms the core of social and community development, in realisation of which, the government actively encourages and provides partial funding for

Child Care Centres

Homecare for children, exciting career for teachers

The keenness of the government to promote Early Childhood Education (ECE) to ensure that children are prepared well for their scholastic career has encouraged the

Child Care Centres

Friendly programme lifts the best in children

Amar Alluri –  Quality life begins early in life, which is why, the process of developing the intellect, character and personality of a human being

Child Care Centres

Sunrise opens new horizons in child education

Venkat Raman The keenness of the government to promote Early Childhood Education (ECE) to ensure that children are prepared well for their scholastic career has

Rising demand puts ECE teachers on premium

Early Childhood teachers educate and care for young children in Early Childhood Education (ECE) services such as Kindergartens, Kōhanga Reo or Education and Care Centres.

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