March 15, 2014 Issue

Lautoka Port to boost Fijian economy

A new port facility in Lautoka is expected to herald a new era of accelerated economic growth with increasing job prospects, Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama

March 15, 2014 Issue

Parties draw battle line for the ballot

Prime Minister John Key’s decision to hold the general election on September 20, 2014 has at least removed one element from public debates and social

Travel agency creditors meet

Liquidators of Greenwoods Corner Travel (which traded as Panworld Travel Mangere) have convened a meeting of creditors on March 19, 2014 at 10 am at

March 15, 2014 Issue

Immigration approves declined applicants

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has apologised to 253 potential Indian migrants for having wrongly declined their applications earlier. Readers may recall a news item that

March 15, 2014 Issue

New Forum to address immigration issues

Immigration is an emotional issue, involving people – individuals, families and businesses. People migrate from a comparatively less developed country to the so-called ‘fully developed

March 15, 2014 Issue

Ethnic businesses deserve better treatment

Ethnic businesses, especially Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) deserve support and despite their strong commitment and progress, they are often ignored, Ethnic Affairs Minister Judith

March 15, 2014 Issue

Singh loses immigration license

The press note said that the Authority had refused to renew his licence to give immigration advice after he was convicted of electoral fraud. As

March 15, 2014 Issue

The Flag is our identity, not brand

When I was 13, I got my own room, and I wanted to paint it green. And when I say wanted green, I mean ‘Green.’

March 15, 2014 Issue

These power bills are shocking

If your power bills are rising and you do not know why, you are not alone: it is happening all over the country. As Labour

Tax evader grounded

The Napier District Court sentenced Hawkes Bay businessman Ahmet Dindar to six months home detention and 200 hours of community service on proven charges of

Woman accused of $1 million fraud

The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) has laid Crimes Act charges relating to an investigation into the conduct of Linnet Lewis (54). Ms Lewis first appeared

March 15, 2014 Issue

Figures speak for Mathematician of milestones

One of the most popular Mathematics teachers of the country is celebrating 2014 as a ‘Year of Significant Milestones,’ as an increasing number of students

March 15, 2014 Issue

Students crossing borders challenged

Advancing through a ‘normal’ degree course of semesters and terms may be easy but to complete an engineering course in an ‘Accelerated’ Programme’ could be

March 15, 2014 Issue

Learning Maori language and protocol

A pilot programme providing a unique opportunity to ethnic communities to learn Maori language and protocol will be held at the end of this month.

March 15, 2014 Issue

Movement against violence growing

Institutional and individual support to the Government’s programme to protect women from becoming victims of violence is gathering pace in Fiji. A joint initiative by

China funds health programme

China has given a grant of US$ 50,000 to the Fijian Government to advance its efforts to combat dengue fever. Yang Zhaohui, Charge de Affaires

Tax on overseas Super coming

Legislation changing the tax rules for foreign superannuation interests has been passed. The new rules will apply from April 1 this year. This would be

March 15, 2014 Issue

G20 Okays Common Reporting Standard

Finance Ministers from the Group of Twenty (G20) countries met in Sydney, Australia on February 22 and 23, 2014 to discuss, among others, the thorny

Online trading is not off tax

If you sell goods through online auction or sales sites (such as TradeMe and eBay), your tax obligations are exactly the same as buying and

March 15, 2014 Issue

Rabindran joins Solid Energy Board

One of the strongest advocates of good corporate governance has joined the state-owned Solid Energy New Zealand Limited as a member on its Board of

Prospects brighten for CAs

Chartered Accountants (CAs) certified by the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (NZICA) enjoy better job prospects with higher salaries and other benefits compared to

Reserve Bank signals tighter insurance regime

The insurance sector will come under tighter supervision making it mandatory for insurers, brokers and others to improve their financial management and accountability, a senior

March 15, 2014 Issue

Corporate chiefs turn positive over economy

New Zealand Chief Executive Officers are significantly more positive about the outlook for the global economy over the next 12 months than their global peers.

March 15, 2014 Issue

Awards celebrate migrant achievers

Three customers of ANZ Bank were recently honoured with awards for their commitment and dedication to the migrant community. The Awards were presented at the

A year of three billon ballots

With almost 3 billion people representing 42& of the human race going to the polling booths in 40 countries around the world, 2014 ought to

A campaign to cure migration ills

We are happy that Wellington lawyer Kamil Lakshman is launching a campaign to highlight and cleanse the dirt that appears to be a permanent resident

March 15, 2014 Issue

Logical Systems acquires Apple Stores

Auckland based Logical Systems Limited (LSL) has required five Yoobee Apple Computer Retailing operations from the troubled Renaissance Corporation Limited (RCL). LSL Director Daven Naidu

March 15, 2014 Issue

Rise in minimum wage counterproductive

At one point in my early school years, my Science teacher totally upended my views on nature. Up to that point, I had been taught

Indian Newslink


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