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Vote now or on September 23 but vote you must

Electoral Commission  Voting has started in the 2017 General Election, with advance voting places now open around the country. Anyone who is ready to vote


Andrew’s sacrifice takes Jacinda to the Crown

Thakur Ranjit Singh  In 1936, British monarchy faced a crisis when King-Emperor Edward VIII had to abdicate the throne because he proposed to marry a divorcee, Wallis


Maungakiekie people deserve better service

Priyanca Radhakrishnan  As we come to the end of the campaign period, and the General Election looms closer many people have asked me what a


Unruly behaviour mars Election meeting

Venkat Raman  An election forum, called, ‘Meet the Voter’ organised by the Indian Association of New Zealand (IANZ) on September 2 at its Papatoetoe headquarters


NZPP in government is a sure way forward

Roshan Nauhria In many ways, this is a significant election for New Zealand. Interestingly, there are multiple policies on the battleground of major parties. While

Australian history set to repeat in New Zealand

Will Jacinda Ardern deliver the Bob Hawke punch? Thakur Ranjit Singh Many with reservations about Labour Party’s ability to unseat three-term rule of National Party


Misinformation dampens concept of Water Tax

Thakur Ranjit Singh Disinformation and misinformation on Labour Party’s Water Policy shows why it is so urgent for New Zealand’s education system to strengthen its


Governor General issues writ for General Election

Supplied Content  Governor-General Dame Patsy Reddy has given the go-ahead for this year’s General Election to be held, signing the writ directing the Electoral Commission

Sound education for Kelston people

Bala Beeram National understands the issues that are core to Kelston families and our recent policy announcements are showing that we are investing to secure


NZPP will streamline Work Visas for students

And make the system easier, simpler and transparent The New Zealand People’s Party (NZPP) will make the ‘Pathway to Residence’ programme automatic and less cumbersome


Mood for change is building around us

Michael Wood We are all lucky to live in this country. It is a fundamentally good place with many natural advantages. New Zealand’s geographic isolation


Cash for trash will make New Zealand greener

Denise Roche This has four key components: Introducing refunds on drinking containers. Banning the use of single-use plastic bags by 2020. Reducing plastic packaging and

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