Diwali Reports

Diwali Reports

A powerful Message of Peace

Diwali is one of the most important and ancient of Indian festivals and has specific spiritual meanings in Hinduism and other religions as a celebration

Diwali Reports

Festival relevant to all New Zealanders

Diwali is one of the most significant festivals and a special time for our Indian community. It is marked with great enthusiasm, happiness and a

Diwali Reports

Colour and costumes light up Christchurch

Although devastated by the September 4 Earthquake and the subsequent aftershocks, residents of Christchurch came out in large numbers to mark Diwali, the Festival of

Diwali Reports

Peace and Harmony at Hamilton event

More than 200 people representing a cross-section of the resident community gathered t the Celebrating Age Centre in Hamilton on October 23 to mark the

Diwali Reports

Temple prepares for evening prayers

While City Council, Associations and Societies organise their annual Diwali Festival to suit their convenience and that of their members, Temples celebrate the occasion on

Diwali Reports

Mega Diwali in Auckland

Hundreds of thousands of people would have been present at the Mega Diwali Festival held at the Aotea Square in Auckland on October 30 and

Diwali Reports

Waitakere highlights cultural landscape

‘Waitakere Diwali,’ held at the Trusts Stadium on October 24, was, according to many, one of the most impressive events held in New Zealand. With

Diwali Reports

Celebration of Cultures in Manukau

It will be a celebration of cultures and a demonstration of unity of people at the Manukau Diwali scheduled to be held at the Telstra

Marathis to mark Festival of Lights

Maharashtrians say Diwali celebrations are somewhat different in their State but its spirit will come alive at the Freeman’s Bay Community Centre in Ponsonby, Auckland

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