Aug 15, 2014 Issue

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

“Fiji will be the way the world should be”

For a leader who has been heckled by the Commonwealth of Nations, he appeared calm and collected. He said that challenges never bothered him; instead,

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

Race has no place in modern Fiji

On Saturday (August 9) morning, I was invited to an interview with Fiji Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama. Other New Zealand media other than Venkat Raman

NFP takes economy to centre stage

While the National Federation Party (NFP) rejects the 2013 Constitution that has been unilaterally foisted upon us, we accept that the best way forward for

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

Fiji gets the better of New Zealand voting system

In past Fijian elections, there have been several incidences of vote tampering, ballot box stacking and in one particular example, more votes cast than registered

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

Fund raiser for Heart Mission

A charitable Trust is organising a fundraising dinner in aid of its Paediatric Heart Mission to Fiji. The Friends of Pacific Foundation, Geoff Dainty (Past

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

Fijians deserve good, value-based governance

After eight years of military rule, the people of Fiji will have the long denied opportunity to decide which political party should form our Government

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

Cross roads bring dilemma of change

Next month’s general election is arguably the most important that Fiji has ever had in its history. What everyone needs to do now is to

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

Bainimarama unleashes the hidden power of Fijians

Fiji’s Interim Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe (Frank) Bainimarama believes that the general election due to be held on September 17, 2014 would be a turning

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

Speculation over South Auckland murder quelled

The murder of a 35-year-old Indian in the South Auckland suburb of Papatoetoe last week fuelled speculation that it may have been racially motivated, which

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

Though imperfect, Democracy is the best we have

Second of three parts The Judiciary does not often overstep the mark, but it happened recently in the Maldives where they reinterpreted what Parliament had

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

Family feud brews over Medical Fund

A growing dispute between the members of a family over the monies collected for kidney transplant of a young man (who is now deceased) is

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

Importance of ethnic entrepreneurs underscored

While Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) constituted the backbone of the New Zealand economy, businesses owned and managed by ethnic minorities are at the heart

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

Racism exists in black and white

While New Zealand has an excellent record of human rights, the country is not free of racism and there are tendencies that become apparent from

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

Verdict opens another set of imponderables

There is something special about marriage ceremonies. Two people make a commitment to each other to spend the rest of their lives together. People often

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

New pathways to strengthen Indian connection

Last month, Trade Minister Tim Groser referred to the ‘shift in political tectonic plates,’ as a result of Narendra Modi becoming the Prime Minister of

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

Inequality cuts through the social fabric

In my previous column (Indian Newslink, August 1, 2014) I had highlighted Labour’s plan to develop a high-performing economy that translates into more jobs, better

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

Voter verdict determines common destiny

With an election coming up, I thought I would share with you some of the things that are important to the National Party. These are

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

Green is a shade smarter

When most voters think of the Green Party, they think about the environment. The Greens have championed the need for clean rivers, natural forests, pollution-free

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

International students challenge local jobseekers

Community leaders often ask me if we should seriously consider limiting the intake of international students. My immediate response is ‘Yes,’ if it was that

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

ACG acquires New Zealand Career College

The ACG Group has announced that it has acquired New Zealand Career College (NZCC), one of the most successful private education providers in the country.

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

Home based education benefits families

Seedlings Education is a Home Based Education service for families who have their child or children cared for in either their own home or a

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

Revised Court Rules lowers litigation costs

A new set of District Court Rules came into effect on July 1, 2014 replacing the existing District Court Rules 2009. Stated to be significant,

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

Healthcare provider chooses Medtech’s Evolution

One of Auckland’s largest healthcare groups is migrating its practice management software (PMS) to Medtech Global’s new Medtech ‘Evolution’ platform. Nirvana Group, comprising East Tamaki

Aug 15, 2014 Issue

Indian wines pouring into our market

The perfect wine match for curry is a step closer now that a Hamilton man is importing Indian vino. Sandeep Mathur is starting with Indian

International Students: Lessons of the past

In her exclusive article appearing under Educationlink, Dr Pushpa Wood, an Education and Research Consultant, has voiced the concerns of growing number of New Zealanders.

Indian Newslink

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