Women In Business

Women In Business

Dame Susan Devoy

Women are the backbone of families, communities, businesses and economies. We’ve come a long way but we still have a very long way to go.

Women In Business

Ashika Lal

Banking is often seen as being dominated by men – but at ASB, Ashika Lal has thrived, achieving both her own ambitions and those of

Women In Business

Shobhna Golian

Experience and expertise are among the pre-requisites of legal practitioners and those with a friendly approach, faster accessibility, and sincere desire to promote customer care

Women In Business

Shivani Arora

Women of Indian origin have emerged as great team players and innovative businesspersons in New Zealand and among those known for their spirit of adventure

Women In Business

Seema Chatly

Vibrant and extremely diligent, Seema Chatly is often found handling multiple calls with equal charm and politeness. Managing a chain of lodges and motels across

Women In Business

Ansuya Naidoo

I am privileged to work with the Indian Community. It is also a pleasure to network with political leaders, influential business entrepreneurs and religious leaders.

Women In Business

Purnima Lekinwala

The fact that hard work and honesty will be rewarded by popularity and success superseding despair and obstacles, has been proved time and again by

Women In Business

Navtej Kaur Singh

I am Navtej Kaur Singh, born in Punjab, India, brought up in Ba, Fiji. I have been living in New Zealand since 1986. I have

Women In Business

Divya Nayyar

The increasing popularity of Indian cuisine and the need for consuming health foods have encouraged New Zealanders to seek groceries, snacks and other items made

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