Sept 1, 2013 Issue

Sept 1, 2013 Issue

Arrest warrant against Fijian couple

The Manukau District Court issued a warrant on August 22 to arrest a Fijian couple for failing to appear to answer a number of charges.

Sept 1, 2013 Issue

Special rate for Accountants’ Conference

Indian Newslink readers and entrants to the Indian Newslink Indian Business Awards (INLIBA) 2013 have been offered a special rate to attend the CPA Congress

Sept 1, 2013 Issue

Homage to a Great Messenger of Peace

We read, hear and see media reports on crime and violence in various forms continuously throughout the world. This makes us sad, worried and ashamed.

Sept 1, 2013 Issue

Judith Collins to attend Sydney Women’s Meet

Ethnic Affairs Minister Judith Collins will attend the Women’s Conference of the Global Organisation of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) to be held in Australia

Sept 1, 2013 Issue

Indians change name to gain acceptance

People of Indian and Chinese origin believe that anglicising their names will improve their job prospects and social status, a top Government official has said.

Sept 1, 2013 Issue

Tribunal clears parents’ visa application

In a landmark decision, the Immigration and Protection Tribunal ordered last week that residence visas be granted to Sital Ram and Usha Rani, parents of

Employer fined for exploiting students

The fact that the Government is getting tough with businesses that exploit migrant workers and students was evident last week as the Employment Relations Authority

Sept 1, 2013 Issue

Have a say on how your City should be run

Local Government elections do not elicit the same excitement and expectation (at least not in the measure required) as the general election does every three

Risk factors determine the right to parole

Why is parole not refused for people who show no remorse? Parole is a statutorily mandated right for prisoners who have served at least one-third

Sept 1, 2013 Issue

Minister vows to end exploitation of students

The Government and Immigration New Zealand (INZ) will not hesitate to take stringent measures to curb the exploitation of international students, particularly those from India,

Sept 1, 2013 Issue

Kiwi English can get you far

Do you, or someone you know, need help with English? For Yongsung Kim, settling into her new country from Korea was hard, but the biggest

Sept 1, 2013 Issue

Multi-million dollar network to boost young skills

Parents invest heavily in their children’s education, both financially and emotionally; so does the Government. The way that our children learn is changing, which is

Sept 1, 2013 Issue

Music fosters quality human development

If you watch a baby or a toddler moving spontaneously to a piece of music, or a young child singing along to a song creating

Sept 1, 2013 Issue

Reserve Bank regulation hurts first homebuyers

The decision of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) to raise the high loan-to-value ratio (LVR) will hurt first homebuyers more than investors in

Callous attitude exposes companies to fraud

New Zealand has enjoyed the Number 1 spot since 2008 as a country with a strong reputation for clean government, based on Corruption Perception Index

Smaller towns foster business growth

Smaller towns in New Zealand are also important for growth of businesses like their large counterparts, Prime Minister John Key has said. “Businesses operating in

Auckland marks Silver with Brisbane

Auckland and Brisbane (Capital of Queensland) completed 25 years of their relationship as ‘Sister Cities’ recently, to commemorate which, Auckland Mayor Len Brown visited the

Perseverance builds successful bids

Hard work and dedication, combined by talent and vision have always met with success and those demonstrating continuous progress in their career become a source

CPA Congress to challenge accountants

The growing emphasis on public accountability, transparency and good governance has placed increasing pressure on the accounting profession, with practitioners obliged to follow stringent rules

Sept 1, 2013 Issue

Experts agree on property market regulation

Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) should have access to macro-prudential tools to regulate the market better and protect the financial system from going bust,

Kudos to Central Indian body for leadership

New Zealand Indian Central Association (NZICA) deserves credit for championing the cause of Indians, addressing a number of ills that confront the community. Less than

Sept 1, 2013 Issue

Aucklanders face formidable challenges

Three years ago, I ran and won the election to become Auckland’s first Mayor, following the amalgamation of the previous eight Councils and Authorities. Much

Sept 1, 2013 Issue

New Urban Centre will augment City’s progress

Auckland has an incredible opportunity. We can plan for the rise in population, and turn it into prosperity, quality of life and better outcomes for

Sept 1, 2013 Issue

Ganapathi Festival in Auckland

A grand festival to mark the Birthday of Lord Ganesha, the Remover of Obstacles will be held in South Auckland next month. Organised by Soni

Sept 1, 2013 Issue

Wider participation bejewels Indian Freedom Day

Cultural plurality and multi-ethnicity marked Indian Independence Day in various parts of New Zealand, with a number of organisations and groups participating in the celebrations

Sept 1, 2013 Issue

Metabolic Syndrome plays havoc with Indians

Obesity has become a major global issue, afflicting millions of people, compounding a series of other health problems, a prominent ‘Mind Power Activation’ expert has

Indian Newslink

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