November 1, 2013 Issue

November 1, 2013 Issue

Assault victim dies

Tarun Asthana, a 25 year-old Mt Albert man who was knocked to the ground outside a fast food outlet near Britomart shortly after 5 am

November 1, 2013 Issue

A real Janeman he was!

I met the respected Fijian writer Rajendra Prasad and congratulated him on a wonderful tribute paid to my late cousin Farouk Janeman. Prasad lamented that

Everyone a Winner at Indian Business Awards

As the curtain goes up on the Indian Newslink Indian Business Awards (IBA) 2013 those receiving trophies would not be the only winners. All entrants,

November 1, 2013 Issue

Annual Interfaith Meet demonstrates loyalty

It is often said that the real test of truth and loyalty is proved when people follow the examples of great people after they cease

November 1, 2013 Issue

Smart crusader with smart deals for smart phones

Mobile phone users in New Zealand can expect increased benefits at decreasing costs, as the third largest mobile company unfolds innovative plans to enable people

November 1, 2013 Issue

Challenging changes face Aucklanders

Here we are at the start of the second term of the Auckland Council. I love this City and I am proud of what the

Taiwan Trade Mission due here

A trade mission from Taiwan will be in Auckland and Wellington next week opening up new opportunities for commercial engagement. The 21-member delegation will showcase

November 1, 2013 Issue

Police stop roadside window washers

Counties Manukau Police are keen to put an end to roadside car window washers, following increasing complaints of ‘harassment’ from drivers. Those driving through the

Home detention for immigration fraud

A former company director responsible for an immigration scam of $100,000 was sentenced to home detention and community work at Auckland District Court on October

Unlicensed adviser awaits verdict

A South Auckland man who reportedly provided immigration advice without obtaining a valid licence from the Immigration Advisers Authority (IAA) is awaiting his fate. Hakaoro

Dishonest man pleads guilty

Kenneth James Anderson (66) entered guilty pleas in the Christchurch District Court on October 14 to charges brought by the Serious Fraud Office (SFO). The

Tertiary education lifts job prospects

Higher education enhances employment prospects, providing a progressive career path for the youth, Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment Minister Steven Joyce has said. Quoting the

November 1, 2013 Issue

Workshops to explore Maori music

Auckland audiences will have a rare opportunity to join master musicians Dr Richard Nunns and James Webster at a two-day Workshop scheduled to be held

November 1, 2013 Issue

Homework continues to stir heated debate

Homework is the cause of numerous tantrums and arguments in many Kiwi households. Parents simply want to encourage and spur on their offspring to ensure

November 1, 2013 Issue

Academic to edit psychiatry journal

popular academic of Indian ancestry has been appointed to the prestigious post of Editor of the British Journal of Psychiatry (BJP). Kenya-born Professor Kamaldeep Bhui

Solidarity marks Independence Day

Solidarity, sense of belonging and joy were the hallmarks of the Fiji Independence Day celebrations held in Auckland and Wellington. Speaking at an official reception

Woman in search of lost father

A New Resident is in search of her father who was reportedly deported from New Zealand perhaps about 45 years ago. Devi Rita Prasad (47)

November 1, 2013 Issue

Book recounts bygone days in Fiji

The recent launch of a book on the Girmityas of Fiji was an event to remember. The book, ‘A Fijian Memoir- Footprints of Girmitiya’s Grandson,’

November 1, 2013 Issue

Bank sees increasing potential in India

ANZ Bank New Zealand Chief Executive David Hisco believes that India is a strategic market that will continue to offer increasing opportunities for growth of

November 1, 2013 Issue

Accounting body offers free membership

Members of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (NZICA) can now join CPA Australia without incurring member fees until January 2015. CPA Australia Chief

November 1, 2013 Issue

A soaring career awaits Qatari aviators

A soaring career awaits a group of 15 pilots, engineers and managers of Qatar Airways as they receive coaching from aviation expert from Massey University

Home truths challenge Award winner

“Recession and gloomy outlook do not deter those who have the zeal to try and succeed” is a statement that befits an Auckland based couple

Simple steps to speed up your computer

Is your Windows-based computer getting slower, and are tasks such as browsing the Internet and opening files taking longer than they used to? You are

RBNZ warns against phone scam

If you receive phone calls or emails claiming to be from the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) for tax funds, you should ignore them.

Mortgage loans enter new stage of consultation

Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) announced a staged review (on March 26, 2013) of bank capital adequacy requirements for residential mortgage loans. Stage One

Resilience benchmarks Asian economies

The trend towards urbanisation rising domestic consumption and middle-class demands, near-total mobile penetration and a need for infrastructure investment are driving business confidence in many

Revised model improves core inflation clarity

Core inflation is a concept of price inflation that excludes one-off or highly volatile price movements. Central Banks use core inflation measures to assess the

Len Brown affair gets dirtier by the day

What began as a sex scandal with Mayor Brown admitting having had a torrid, two-year extra-marital affair with Bevan Chuang, a Hong Kong born political

Private affairs tarnish public offices

One of the banes of holding a high office in government is the constant public scrutiny and the politically fatal blow that can be struck

November 1, 2013 Issue

Anxious wait for Human Rights Review Report

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a mechanism of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). The Council uses the UPR process to examine the

Indian Newslink

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