Mortgage Finance and Insurance

Mortgage Finance and Insurance

Rising prices signal another boom in the offing

After almost four years of stagnation, the past year saw the first glimpses of a turnaround in the property market and 2013 is expected to

Mortgage Finance and Insurance

Early mortgage settlement sets the mind free

While the goal of every individual is to repay his or her mortgage loan as soon as possible, the means to achieve that objective would

Mortgage Finance and Insurance

Mortgage brokers bring home great deals

New Zealand economy is showing signs of growth again. Consumer spending has increased and rebuild activity in Canterbury is gaining momentum. The rate of inflation

Mortgage Finance and Insurance

Reserve Bank apathetic to housing loans

Recent debate about rising house prices in Auckland and elsewhere has included discussion on the risk weights that the Reserve Bank of New Zealand requires

Specific cover for specific needs

While many people understand the importance of life insurance, health insurance and allied financial services, their needs could be as varied as the products and

Mortgage Finance and Insurance

Sellers’ market entails proficient handlers

Although the New Zealand economy enjoys historically low interest rate with financial institutions more lenient in extending credit to homebuyers and property investors, market forces

Mortgage Finance and Insurance

Market gets hot with fierce competition

The current buoyancy in the home finance market is characterised by a number of factors including the entry of more buyers, partly encouraged by flexibility

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