May 15 2013 Issue

May 15 2013 Issue

Budget shows we are in good financial health

As I mentioned recently, the National-led Government will present our fifth Budget to New Zealand on May 16. The Budget will show that the Government’s

May 15 2013 Issue

2degrees, Mercury Printz among Awards Sponsors

We are happy to announce that 2degrees Mobile Limited and Mercury Printz, both Auckland based companies, have joined our galaxy of Sponsors of Indian Newslink

Free Workshops enhance Awards value

A growing number of businesspersons of Indian origin believe that the free Workshops held as part of the Indian Newslink Indian Business Awards (IBA) help

Let us talk about writing a Constitution

The need for a written Constitution, size and duration of Parliament and review of the existing statutes are among the issues on which the Government

May 15 2013 Issue

Awards provide toolkit for business planning

This is the sixth year for these Awards and the annual programme has become well established as an important feature of the business planning tool

May 15 2013 Issue

‘GST’ adds value to customer service

Customer Service has always been the true measure of success of an organisation, whether it operates as a monopoly or under fierce competition. But such

May 15 2013 Issue

IRD computer overrun can run us over

Half a billion dollars is an enormous amount of money. $500 million dollars is almost a third of Police’s annual budget. It is 100 times

May 15 2013 Issue

Stalwart of East Coast community

I offer my condolences to the whanau of Labour Member of Parliament Parekura Horomia who died on April 29, 2013. Parekura Horomia was the Member

Crime could be similar, but verdicts differ

Why are there inconsistencies in sentencing levels? Are sentences adequate in cases of violence causing death, and should such cases as ‘murder’ are not reduced

May 15 2013 Issue

Death seizes valuable lawmaker

New Zealand lost a leader last fortnight, a Member of Parliament who dedicated his life to serving the people of this country. I lost a

May 15 2013 Issue

Gilmore has more to say

Although the resignation of National List MP Aaron Gilmore from Parliament on April 12 ended the standoff between him and Prime Minister John Key and

May 15 2013 Issue

Sumptuous support for ‘Feed the Kids Bill’

Public support to a proposed legislation to provide free breakfast and lunch to schoolchildren is gaining strength with a number of organisations voicing concern over

May 15 2013 Issue

Money matters for Massey students

The importance of savings, proper financial management and attitude of the younger generation towards money matters were a part of a survey conducted by students

May 15 2013 Issue

You can help stop serious crime

Should taxpayer information be shared if it helps stop serious crime? How do you feel about certain Inland Revenue Department (IRD) information being shared with

Conference to connect ethnic businesses

Investors, entrepreneurs and corporate executives would have an opportunity to understand and connect with successful ethnic businesses at a conference scheduled to be held in

May 15 2013 Issue

Asia promises sunshine either side of the Tasman

Improving New Zealand’s productivity and international competitiveness is a perpetual challenge for any government. Under the Closer Economic Relations (CER) agreement, we have shared this

May 15 2013 Issue

Shocking power prices short circuit growth

New Zealanders are working harder and spending their money wisely, but they are struggling to get ahead. One of the biggest problems that Kiwis face

May 15 2013 Issue

Couples in Partnership

Planning, perseverance and patience are said to be virtues that pay rich dividends to people in their professional and domestic life, a ‘rich’ proof of

New firm offers Anti-Money Laundering Solutions

While countries around the world are getting together to tackle the growing menace of money laundering, small businesses handicapped by paucity of necessary resources or

May 15 2013 Issue

Business Council faces leadership challenge

When Wenceslaus Anthony steps down next month from the post of Chairman of the India New Zealand Business Council (INZBC) after four years, his successor

False advertising can cost money, freedom

The modern world provides a number of advertising avenues for commercial companies, not-for-profit organisations, community and social groups and charity trusts to promote their products

May 15 2013 Issue

Industry partnership to promote businesses

A major initiative by Massey University is expected to lead towards a sustainable and fruitful partnership with Auckland based businesses, promoting research, business development and

ERA changes offer flexibility

We welcome changes announced to the Employment Relations Act (ERA) along with additional amendments to speed up processes at the Employment Relations Authority on April

Two Kiwis among young business leaders

Two finance professionals from New Zealand are among finance professionals featured in the CPA Australia ’40 Young Business Leaders List 2013.’ The List is the

Two Kiwis among young business leaders

Two finance professionals from New Zealand are among finance professionals featured in the CPA Australia ’40 Young Business Leaders List 2013.’ The List is the

May 15 2013 Issue

Parameters determine cases for prosecution

A number of people are unsure of their ‘rights and abilities’ to seek prosecution of individuals or companies (both commercial and not-for-profit). Such prosecutions could

Indian Newslink

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