Girmit Anniversary

Girmit Anniversary

Sombre reflection of a disturbed past

Girmit Divas is a relatively new aspect on the Indian calendar in New Zealand. The growth of the Fiji Indian Diaspora, descendants of the Girmitya,

High achievers honour ancestry

As the infamous Girmit enters its 135th year, we look back with mixed feelings of guilt and gratification. The former is the result of a

Girmit Anniversary

Link with the past strengthens the future

It may sound bizarre but it is an unpleasant truth that successive generations of Indo-Fijians have grown or are growing ignorant of and oblivious to

Betrayal and misfortune hit Girmitiyas

When my grandparents Rahim Buksh (Lucknow) and Begum Mariam Bibi (Patna) arrived in Fiji aboard Mutla 11 as indentured labourers in 1911, they were unaware

Foundation to reconnect the lost generation

The growing apathy of the younger generation towards Girmit and Girmitiyas, respectively the bonder labour scheme and the victims of it, has prompted a few

Girmit Anniversary

Concert to raise funds for needy families

The New Zealand Association of Fiji Teachers is organising a musical night this month to mobilise financial resources to fund its programme of helping needy

Laughter and goodwill amidst adversity

My grandfather (Thatha) and father (Bappa) were Girmitiyas who went to Fiji respectively in 1905 and 1911. They served in Sabeto and Votua Levu, each

Girmit Anniversary

Fiji meet stimulates Hindu businesses

A Fijian minister has extolled the significance of health and education in the success of a business enterprise, emphasising Dharma and ethics as important ingredients.

Excerpts from Tears in Paradise

Indo-Fijians have lived in Fiji for over a hundred years. The pioneer generation, referred to as Girmitiyas, was brought to Fiji by the British as

Girmit Anniversary

Silent struggle for equity

The case of Indo-Fijians is one the most pathetic and repulsive in the history racial and social discrimination and political inequity. Dragged from their home

Girmit Anniversary

Hard labour hardens migrants

Contrary to popular opinion, indentured Indian labourers brought into Fiji as Girmityas were not of low social origins but represented a fair cross-section of rural

Tenacity meets with ambition

Small and medium enterprises form the core of New Zealand’s economy and the manageable size of most companies are often cited as an advantage in

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