Freight Forwarding and Shipping

Freight Forwarding and Shipping

Free Trade pacts promote bilateral trade

Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) are seen as the single most important avenue for fostering bilateral trade and multilateral trade in the case of pacts signed

Freight Forwarding and Shipping

Free Trade pacts promote bilateral trade

Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) are seen as the single most important avenue for fostering bilateral trade and multilateral trade in the case of pacts signed

Freight Forwarding and Shipping

Quality care ensure customer satisfaction

New Zealand’s status as a seafaring nation is fortified by the availability of a strong and sound infrastructure and the presence of organisations that provide

Freight Forwarding and Shipping

Quality care ensure customer satisfaction

New Zealand’s status as a seafaring nation is fortified by the availability of a strong and sound infrastructure and the presence of organisations that provide

Specialist cargo gets specialist treatment

Shipping is the cornerstone of New Zealand’s economy and as an exporting nation, the country has a number of freight forwarders and shipping agents, who

Specialist cargo gets specialist treatment

Shipping is the cornerstone of New Zealand’s economy and as an exporting nation, the country has a number of freight forwarders and shipping agents, who

New facility improves efficiency

UB Freight Auckland recently moved to a new, more spacious and purpose-built premises to enhance efficient handling of freight, documentation, storage and delivery. This development

New facility improves efficiency

UB Freight Auckland recently moved to a new, more spacious and purpose-built premises to enhance efficient handling of freight, documentation, storage and delivery. This development

A niche player in transport sector

Shipping agents, freight forwarders and shipping companies form the most important links in the transportation industry and their efficiency and productivity have a direct impact

A niche player in transport sector

Shipping agents, freight forwarders and shipping companies form the most important links in the transportation industry and their efficiency and productivity have a direct impact

New measures to salvage Doha Round

While the Doha Development Agenda has remained on life support in Geneva awaiting changed international circumstances and perhaps a new WTO Director-General, services have become

New measures to salvage Doha Round

While the Doha Development Agenda has remained on life support in Geneva awaiting changed international circumstances and perhaps a new WTO Director-General, services have become

Awards to boost exports

Any NZ business currently exporting, looking to grow its export markets or enter new markets, cannot afford to miss the unique insights on offer from

Awards to boost exports

Any NZ business currently exporting, looking to grow its export markets or enter new markets, cannot afford to miss the unique insights on offer from

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