Archives 2012

We bow in gratitude 14 times

This is neither an eulogy nor a PR spin. This is not even an editorial. However, this has a purpose. We take a bow to

Anniversary Special

An important role in the Community

This week I announced, along with Transport Minister Gerry Brownlee, that we intend to lower the legal blood-alcohol concentration from 80 to 50 milligrams of

Greetings to advertisers…

Advertising executives marketing a publication are often caught in a cyclic conundrum. Advertisers and advertising agencies say ‘see us after a few issues’ but no

Measures to end migrant exploitation

It is a great privilege to contribute this article to Indian Newslink. The Indian market is an extremely important one and it is striking to

Anniversary Special

Importance of embracing brave New Media

Indian Newlink has a strong and fair community voice. For us New Zealanders, that great Hindu festival of Diwali reached its zenith on the 13th

Anniversary Special

Commendable growth amidst adversity

The first thing I do whenever I travel is buy a copy of the local newspaper. It helps me orient myself: there is nothing like

Anniversary Special

This newspaper has a lot to learn

Indian Newslink richly deserves its reputation of being the preeminent Indian newspaper in New Zealand. This standing is based on many years of operation, the

Anniversary Special

Growing confidence helps businesses

It is with great pleasure that I congratulate Indian Newslink on 14-years of its Publication. Over the past several years, I have worked closely with

Technology begins stampede on print media

Indian Newslink, a South Asian community newspaper is celebrating its 14th anniversary this week, and I wish to congratulate the publication on this occasion and

Anniversary Special

Community papers gather greater relevance

As a regular reader of (and an occasional contributor), Indian Newslink, I am happy to share my feelings about the paper on its 14th anniversary.

Anniversary Special

Professional help to lift newspaper quality

I congratulate Indian Newslink on its 14th Anniversary. Apart from being an avid reader of this fortnightly, I am proud of my close friendship with

Anniversary Special

Media partnership benefits communities

Since its inception in November 1999, Indian Newslink has had an element of professionalism, which has seen it grow to become the most powerful Indian

Joint pursuit of excellence endears all

New Zealand Career College (NZCC) is delighted to be celebrating significant birthday milestones with its long standing partner Indian Newslink. After 10 and 15 years

Anniversary Special

Joint pursuit of excellence endears all

New Zealand Career College (NZCC) is delighted to be celebrating significant birthday milestones with its long standing partner Indian Newslink. After 10 and 15 years

Anniversary Special

Newspapers face threat of extinction

I have been fortunate to be connected with Indian Newslink almost from the day I landed in New Zealand seven years ago. I have seen

Anniversary Special

Gratification marks five years in Beehive

November 8 marked five years since this National-led Government was first elected. We have seen the country through some tough times. When we came into

Anniversary Special

New Zealanders want their country back

Today, we are united and ready to win, not for ourselves, but for every New Zealander who needs a new beginning and wants their country

Anniversary Special

Link with people gets stronger by the fortnight

It is a pleasure and privilege to contribute to Indian Newslink, one of the largest ethnic newspapers in New Zealand As its South Island Correspondent

Anniversary Special

Reading habit should commence early

As Indian Newslink celebrates 14 years of its publication, it is a proud moment for all of us involved with the newspaper. The newspaper has

Make this newspaper a Weekly!

I would like to see Indian Newslink as a weekly newspaper. I like the way this newspaper reports news. Its layout is clean and presentable.

Anniversary Special

A reliable publication for the Diaspora

It was with a rather ambivalent and frankly apprehensive mind that I first mulled over an invitation from Indian Newslink to be its Singapore-based Correspondent.

Are we negative?

Should Indian Newslink be a community rag, presenting just rosy stories, pretending that all is well or should it have the courage to present facts

India becomes top migrant resource

Notwithstanding the number of complaints that Indian Newslink receives from potential migrants, student applicants and others from India about delayed responses from Immigration New Zealand

Unfriendly stand ires applicants

TDA Immigration and Student Services Limited (TDA) stopped accepting overseas clients applying under the Skilled Migrant Category (SMC), without a confirmed skilled job offer, when

India offers huge education potential

During his visit to Auckland on April 11, 2010 (Indian Newslink, April 15, 2010), former Indian Human Resources Minister Kapil Sibal said that New Zealand

Applicants praise immigration officials

Following are letters received from our readers in India. They were received over the past few weeks. We held them for publication in this Immigration

Patience may not pay but keeps your sanity

We are not immigration advisers and do not profess to have the experience or qualification to judge the working style of Immigration New Zealand (INZ).

Decision in reasonable time

We posed the following questions to Immigration Minister Michael Woodhouse: Are you looking at increasing the staff strength of Immigration New Zealand (INZ) so that

INZ clarifies visa issue

In its front page story (‘Indian migrant workers refused entry’) Indian Newslink December 15, 2012) had reported that officials of Immigration New Zealand (INZ) in

Indian Newslink

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