Export Education

Export Education

Downgrading Indian market begs the question

Over the past two years, New Zealand has been experiencing the worst recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s. We rely heavily in high

Export Education

Good health keeps Indian students ahead

Indian students in New Zealand enjoy better physical and mental health compared to their Asian and European counterparts, a Survey has revealed. But it also

Export Education

Quality stands out in noisy market

How does a potential student wade through a plethora of Private Training Institutes (PTEs) to select one that not only meets his or her academic

Institute success inspires employers

For those whose top priority is launching a career, private training provider New Zealand Management Academies (NZMA) is the ideal place to study. NZMA’s School

Export Education

Graduate course for Immigration Advisers

A New Zealand educational institution is currently developing a Course for Immigration Advisers for delivery from next year. The Immigration Advisers Authority (IAA) signed a

Know India Programme for youth

If you a Person of Indian Origin (but not a Non-Resident Indian holding an Indian Passport) in the 18-26 age group, keen to see India

Freemasons Scholars take on new challenges

If scholarships create opportunities to learn and if learning leads to advanced research and achievements, we can then expect a neuroscientist, a public health specialist

Rethinking University education

Economists and social commentators in the US are wondering whether higher education has become a new ‘bubble,’ with many people accumulating large amounts of debt

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