Teams eager to lift soccer quality
Suva Soccer Team Established in 1928, Suva Soccer is one of the oldest District Club in Fiji. The Team has participated in all major events
Suva Soccer Team Established in 1928, Suva Soccer is one of the oldest District Club in Fiji. The Team has participated in all major events
The rising number of people evincing interest has demonstrated the fact that Fijians in general and Indo-Fijians in particular love to play or watch a
While the opening of the $2 million Stadium with modern facilities at Centre Park in Mangere (Auckland) will undoubtedly herald a new chapter in Soccer,
An informal Kava drinking session that brought together six friends in 1990, set the tune for a Soccer Club, which today looks forward to winning
The Nasinu Soccer Club, with its distinctive Cyan Blue and Purple colours, is confident of coming out in flying hues at the ensuing Fiji Soccer
The long cherished desire of the Fiji Indian football officials, coaches, players and fans to have a stadium of their own will become a reality
NZ Masters took the top honours, winning the Over 35s and 40s Veteran Soccer Tournament held at Bill McKinlay Park in Auckland suburb of Panmure
Former Fiji and Suva official Shalen Lal fisted the air in jubilation after guiding his Sydney Ba side to a 2-0 win over New Zealand
Sydney Nalawa BV (Black Virus) edged out defending champion Hamilton to win the Billy Singh Memorial Cup for Over 40s in the Tournament held over
Teenager Ahmad Khan hopes to join the Fiji Rugby team and become a national and international star in not too distant a future. Unlike many
It isn’t a game, it’s no fun, it’s not even Cricket. But Shane Warne has got into the field to set right a few wrongs,
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