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Papatoetoe Special

Lofty plans to promote a piece of history

As a part of the Annual Plan (2013-2014) of the Auckland Council, the Third Local Board Agreement of the Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board accounts for a

Papatoetoe Special

Feathery plumes comes alive here

‘Papatoetoe,’ the name with its characteristic lilt conjures up a vision of vast expanses of Toetoe, New Zealand’s largest native grass with its white feathery

Papatoetoe Special

Diverse communities thrive

The Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board area includes the suburbs of Otara, Papatoetoe, East Tamaki, Puhinui and Manukau Central. The Board area is home to diverse and

Papatoetoe Special

Sound financial planning for all businesses

One of the most important factors that spell success in any commercial operation is proper financial management. Sound planning, good checks and controls and most

Papatoetoe Special

Style and poise at your feet

It is often an enigma as to why people, who have a penchant for quality in almost every purchase that they make for their ware

Smile accompanies quality

Jay Narayan ventured into business six years ago with the resolve to sell spices that would not only cater to the tastes of people but

Papatoetoe Special

Not Just Samosas but many others

A change in management is always as exciting as establishing a new enterprise, for both evoke new hope and fresh prospects. Just Enterprises Limited (located

Good prospects for new showroom

A new showroom has the right recipe for success and the opportunity to be a hallmark in the fast-growing busy district of Papatoetoe in South

Jewellery with a difference

The establishment of Krishna Jewellers in Papatoetoe four years ago marked a new chapter in shopping. The showroom began with the motive of marking a

Laundromat takes off your load

Lambie Laundromat was established in January 2014, after identifying a need for a modern, spacious and clean self-service laundromat with large capacity washers and dryers.

Papatoetoe Special

Rising awareness pleases insurers

The increasing awareness on the importance of insurance is reassuring, an expert in the industry has said. According to Krishan Sharma, Insurance Adviser at New

Papatoetoe Special

Glittering experience in Papatoetoe

When Sona Sansaar opened its branch in Papatoetoe (172 Great South Road at Hunters Corner) two years ago, it inaugurated a glittering chapter of quality

Best results from better people

“Purchasing a used car is like a game of chance. You drive away thinking that you have had the best deal but there are times

Papatoetoe Special

Healthy competition travels far

In our ‘Women in Business’ feature (February 15), we had outlined the challenges faced by travel agencies and how an organisation like Tarnica Travels has

Papatoetoe Special

Kava and business mix well

Trimmer Dairy, located on Shirley Road in Papatoetoe, Auckland, is well known for top quality Fiji Kava. Director Kaiyum Shah sources quality Kava from Fiji

Papatoetoe Special

Fresh vegies cheer the day

Valley Fresh Meat and dairy products may be among the most advertised brands in the market but the importance of fruits and vegetables in the

Papatoetoe Special

Fast growing suburb attracts old and new

One of the most significant characteristics of cities and their suburbs in New Zealand is their colourful history, dating back to the early settlers. Most

The world honours man of distinction

Dr Ajit Swaran Singh completed ten years as a Judge of the Manukau District Court on November 4, 2012. He was recently transferred to the

The quality of mercy is not strain’d

“Justice is justly represented blind,” wrote William Penn, arguably America’s first great champion for liberty and peace, “because she sees no difference in the parties

Independence embellishes judicial system

The New Zealand system of Government is based on the Westminster model, which provides for separation of powers between the Legislature, the Executive and the

Lead Agency ensures better law enforcement

The Ministry of Justice is the lead agency in the Justice Sector, which includes the New Zealand Police, the Department of Corrections, the Crown Law

Judiciary breeds social confidence

Courts exist to resolve disputes between the State and individuals or between individuals. They do this by considering the evidence on all sides of the

Dr Ajit Singh

Supreme Court affirms judicial sovereignty

The Supreme Court of New Zealand was established under the ‘Supreme Court Act 2003.’ The Act established within New Zealand a new Court of final

Halal Special

Halal market poised for further growth

The export of Halal meat earns New Zealand about $490 million every year. Halal is an axiomatic pivot of our export market. According to available

Halal Special

Foreign capital to stimulate Halal processing

Undoubtedly, New Zealand economy suffers from non-performance and under-utilisation of resources and potential. The situation requires a fresh outlook and a new pathway for wealth

New body to support converts

Al Hikmah Trust launched the New Muslim Project on September 15, 2012 at the ACG House (Queen Street) in Central Auckland. The Trust aims to

Authentic Indian bakery promotes variety

A bakery serving authentic confectionary and other products has become a pride of the Indian community and increasingly other ethnic groups in Auckland. Mt Roskill

No less than the best at Supermarket

Food 4 Less Supermarkets in Otahuhu and New Lynn follow a strict policy of hygiene and cleanliness in their Halal Butcher department. At the end

Halal Special

The flame of desire for pizzas and burgers

Pizzas and burgers are among the most favoured foods in New Zealand but you would not know the ‘real quality, until you have tasted these

A source of quality produce

Subsisting in a perishable market, dealers in fruits and vegetables must constantly monitor movements and ensure that their products are sold before they become unworthy

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