Nutrition is the study of nutrients in foods, how the body uses nutrients and the relationship between diet, health and disease.
Nutritional Science investigates the metabolic and physiological responses of the body to diet.
Nutrition is an age-old science and our ancient physicians knew all about it.
Bagavad Gita mentions about Nutrition.
Human divisions
Human beings are divided into three categories- Satvik, Rajasi and Tamasik.
The 17th Adhyaya of Bhagawad Gita says that Satvik diet is the best for everyone.
“Foods dear to those in the mode of goodness increase the duration of life, purify one’s existence and give strength, health, happiness and satisfaction. Such foods are juicy, fatty, wholesome and pleasing to the heart”.
A normal diet should provide the body with all the substances necessary to maintain growth, to keep in good health and to repair damaged tissues. These substances come from a balanced diet that contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water.
Proteins and carbohydrates have each about four calories per gram. Fat has about nine calories per gram. The Gita advocates Satvik diet because it provides a balanced diet. It says (in the sixth Adhyaya) that sleep or diet should not be in excess.
Sleep & Diet
One who eats too much or too little and one who sleeps too much or too little cannot become a Yogi.
In a study covering 475,000 people in eight countries, researchers at Warwick University, UK found if people do not sleep at least seven hours a day, they are likely to increase their chances of heart attack by 48%.
The power of God is with you at all times. Through the activities of mind, senses, breathing and emotions and performing all the work in the name of the Almighty, you achieve happiness and other health benefits.
The creation is too grand, complex and mysterious to be captured in a narrow creed.
Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are and doing things as they ought to be done.
Prayer Power
Prayer is the science through which we can attune the human mind to the consciousness and the will of the Almighty. Prayer should be performed regularly to reap good benefits.
According to a study by Dr Anne McCaffrey of the Harvard Medical School, one-third of Americans use prayer to facilitate physical healing. About 69% of 2000 people surveyed said that prayer greatly improved their health.
“Prayer is the most ancient, widely practiced therapy on the face of the earth”, Dr Mitchell Krucoff, Professor of Medicine and Cardiology at the Duke University Medical Centre.
In Chapter 12, Lord Krishna says, “He who has no hate, envy or egoism, who is gracious and compassionate, staying the same in the face of pain and pleasure, who is tolerant, self-controlled, firm in his resolve, fixed in devotional practice and whose mind and intellect are fixed on me is dear to me.”
Pure thoughts
To lead a healthy life, we should avoid negative thoughts. Our thoughts, words and deeds should be pure.
In the 12th Adhyaya Lord Krishna says that one who enjoys the company of people and whose company is enjoyed by them, and one who is free of anger, jealously, hate, fear and frustration is liked by the Almighty.
Scientific studies show that extrovert people are generally happier than introvert people. It is good to socialise. In the past, besides praying, Temples also served in a small way for people to socialise.
In the third Adhyaya, it is stated that one who treats happiness and sadness equally is called a Stheetapradnya (equitable person). Although not everyone can do this, it is worth trying.
The three gates of hell- lust, anger and greed- should be abandoned as they corrupt the body and the soul.
Yoga helps
Yoga is the practice of various physical positions, breathing techniques, meditation, chanting of mantras and taking good karmic actions. Scientific studies support the beneficial aspects of Yoga.
Lord Krishna through the Gita has taught the world regarding diet, exercise, meditation, yoga, contentment, happiness, socialisation and how to control anger, lust and desire.
The main emphasis of all sects of Hinduism is on prayers, meditation, purity of the body and the heart, vegetarian diet, astrology, kindness and helping the helpless.
Thilliar Varnakulasingham has been a regular Indian Newslink columnist. He is versatile on several aspects of health and wellbeing.