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Better understanding of Autism helps in better treatment

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), or Autism is a neurological condition, which can result in children having difficulties with communication and socialisation.

A key feature of Autism is that no two children present with identical behaviours.

Hence, ASD is considered a spectrum or continuum.

Challenging syndrome

Johnny’s experiences of Autism might be different from Mary’s, and behaviours as well as social and communication skills can be markedly different among those diagnosed with the condition.

The unpredictable nature of ASD can be challenging and stressful for parents and caregivers, as well as teachers and other professionals who work with and support these children. As a community, all of us can play a part in understanding ASD better, and appreciating how it affects many children and families.

In order to do so, we must first understand that some challenging behaviours such as meltdowns are often a way of communicating discomfort caused by sensory sensitivities to the environment.

This could be due to bright lights, loud noises, overcrowding, tactile sensitivity to room temperature, clothing, certain types of food and materials. Families feel supported if their community understands these sensory sensitivities, rather than reacting negatively when unpredictable behaviours occur in public places.

Sensory sensitivity

While most of the children with Autism have some degree of sensory sensitiveness, some can also have exceptional abilities and talents.

We now have insights from successful adults with Autism who have made a mark in society. In her biography, ‘Congratulations! It’s Asperger Syndrome,‘ Jen Birch, a New Zealander who is on the ASD continuum, describes her childhood challenges and school experiences. Reading her book and other biographies of those with Autism gives us an insight into the subject.

Technological progress

Advancements in technology also play a huge part in our understandings of those with ASD and why they experience things in certain ways.

Such knowledge influences the ways in which professionals working in this area are being trained.

Massey University’s Post Graduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching (Autism Endorsement) for professionals working in this field uses the New Zealand ASD Guidelines jointly written by the Ministries of Health and Education.

This publication outlines evidence for what works for children with Autism and their families.

Other sources that provide a wealth of information and resources to understand this complex condition better are ‘Autism NZ’ ( and ‘Altogether Autism’ (

Vijaya Dharan is a Senior Lecturer at Massey University, Institute of Education. She currently teaches in the Autism endorsement of the Specialist Teaching programme. Picture courtesy: Massey News

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