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Bengalis in Christchurch welcome Goddess Durga with piety

Deb, Elena, Susruti

Sania Ayushi
Christchurch, October 6, 2022

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Shakti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa
Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Power

Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

As Maa Durga arrives on Earth for the 10-day annual celebrations that honour Her Being, all of us at the Bangaliana Multicultural Group Christchurch is filled with utmost joy and gratitude.

Being away from our land, where the festivities of the Durga Pujo season are on in full swing, we have always tried to bring a piece of our culture through the Durga Pujo celebrations in Christchurch.

Each year, there is a certain excitement that binds all of us in our Group. and we work together to make our Durga Puja celebrations as authentic as possible.

Gagan, Papiya, Idika, Rekha, Ritu

This year, we began the Pujo on September 30 evening with the unveiling of the Goddess and commenced our Durga Festival.

On the morning of October 1, we performed Prayer and thereafter, people were invited to offer Pushpanjali (a floral offering made as a salutation to the Goddess). We then concluded the ritual with a grand Aarti and authentic Bengali lunch.

For children, bouncy castles were organised. We had a team from the Fire Department and the children loved getting into the vehicle and playing with the water hose.

Post lunch, we organised a cultural programme with various groups and individuals presenting items, highlighting local talent. From classical and folk dances to vocals and instruments, we got to see an array of performers.

Kirsten, Nick, Ankit, Martina, Diego and Maganui

Among the highlights of the event was a special performance by the Dekaworwor West African Drum Group. ‘Dekaworwor’ means ‘Unity’ in the ewe language of Ghana, appropriate for the occasion.

This year, we also organised Bangaliana Dhakk which was brought from India.

We enjoyed the programme with Dhakk playing competition for men, women, and children.

To conclude our festive fervour, we had Sindoor Khela.

While our events for the day concluded there, our merriment continues!

The laughter, fun and cultural banter circle us in a warm blanket of memories from home.

The Durga Pujo celebrations fill us with great pride and a sense of fulfilment that ignites our hope to do an even grand celebration as we go.

Sania Ayushi is a writer and educator based in Christchurch. Pictures supplied by Subho.

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