Venkat Raman
Auckland, March 14, 2023
Every political debate on and in Fiji, and every time a Fijian meets another, the inevitable question is always asked: ‘Will there be another coup?”
That question is always speculative, for, the fast-moving events in Suva point to the political melting pot that keeps churning all the time. The latest to spur that doubt is the resignation of former Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama from Parliament.
Political observers say that it was no surprise that the Leader of FijiFirst, the largest political party in Parliament (with 26 seats) quit the debating chamber, for, less than a fortnight earlier, he was suspended from its membership, even as he faced court action.
He took to Facebook to make the announcement on March 8, 2023 and assert that he was not quitting politics, that he will remain the Leader of FijiFirst and that he will continue to ‘fight for democracy’ along with his General Secretary Aiyaz Syed-Khaiyum.
Fighting for democracy can have a different connotation in Fiji.
Mr Bainimarama said that he and Mr Syed-Khaiyum will engage more actively outside Parliament with their Party supporters and that people will ‘more of him on the ground.’
Sachida Nand is the next FijiFirst member to become a Member of Parliament.
Mr Sayed-Khaiyum was the first to leave Parliament, followed by Rosy Akbar and Doctor Mahendra Reddy, all three former Cabinet Ministers.
Mr Bainimarama indicated what is to come through his Facebook address on March 8, 2023, greetings Fijian Hindus marking Holi, the Indian Festival of Colours.
“Holi colours symbolise our power and promise of our national unity. Through such festivals we celebrate family, friendship, community, nationhood and the religious freedom enshrined in our Constitution,” he said.
The following is the unabridged text:
As you are aware, FijiFirst is the largest single political party in Parliament.
We have 26 seats. The People’s Alliance has 21. The National Federation Party has five and Social Democratic Liberal Party has three. It took all three of them to come together as a coalition to form a government.
You are aware that two weeks ago, I was suspended from Parliament for three years. My suspension means that FijiFirst numbers in Parliament will go down to 25.
In a little over three years, the next elections can be held.
Unwarranted suspension
Given the precedent that has been set, the suspension of three years was in my opinion, unwarranted and most certainly unjustified. I did not swear nor did I make any racist or divisive comments. The so-called offensive words could have been objected to by points of order as provided for under the Standing Orders. However, the decision has been made by Parliament through the vote and I have complied with the decision.
Whatever you or I may think of the decision, you and I will need to bear with it and respond in a positive and strategic manner.
From FijiFirst’s perspective and also for the nearly 43% of voters in the 2022 General Elections, it is important that we maintain at all times our 26 seats in Parliament. This is to ensure that we keep the three uneven-legged chair of the government in check in Parliament at all times.
It is imperative that FijiFirst does it to always prevent the three uneven-legged government from running roughshod over our Constitution, breaches of which are taking place almost on a daily basis, and to highlight the lack of adherence to fundamentals of due process and procedural fairness. It has also become evident since 24 December 2022, 73 days to date, that the government is not service driven nor does it subscribe to the modern ways of running a Government in the 21st century.
FijiFirst will nominate Honourable Inia Seruiratu in the next sitting of Parliament to be the Leader of the Opposition.
Active engagement
My work as Leader, with the General Secretary, will be to guide our Parliamentary Caucus so that they can continue to fight inside Parliament while we will engage more actively outside Parliament with our FijiFirst supporters and the growing number of unsatisfied Fijians who are now questioning their decision to vote for parties that seem to be not delivering on their promises. I want to assure all our supporters and all Fijians that you will be seeing more of me on the ground as I engage with you to listen to your needs wants and concerns.
I am personally very concerned about the increase in the casual reference to racism, bigotry and statements of discrimination on social media.
As a Leader, I truly believe that if not stopped, such behaviour could lead to a disenfranchised society. I again urge the relevant authorities to address this issue.