Eligible women should apply on or before May 29, 2022

Venkat Raman
Auckland, May 2, 2022
Auckland Women Lawyers’ Association (AWLA) is inviting applications from eligible women to apply for its Scholarship Programme 2022.
Association President Anoushka Bloem said that applicants should be financially challenged women seeking admission at the Auckland Law School.
“The Association will fund a student up to $5000 per year for four years to help them through the University. We also intend to mentor, support, champion and work with these scholars as they progress through their studies, and into the profession. We hope to create a community of AWLA scholars who can support those who come after them. We know we can count on the support of the AWLA community to champion these women, and we look forward to sharing updates on their progress in due course,” she said.
Ms Bloem, who practices criminal defence, is the Founder of Bloem & Associates.
She said that the Scholarship programme is being funded by AWLA.
“Our Association has sponsored several scholarships for women law students and practitioners. Since 2000, our primary scholarship is the annual Margaret Wilson scholarship awarded at our Annual General Meeting. We also offer a writing prize,” she said.
For further information, please visit https://awla.org.nz/awla-new-scholarship
Indo-Fiji Women lawyers shine
The legal profession in Auckland and rest of the country is witnessing women of Indian origin occupying positions of importance in law firms and in the court system. Among them are Partners, Barristers and professionals of high competence in various branches of law and prosecutors and senior court officials.
For the first time in its 22 years of operations, the AWLA is proudly represented by four women of Indo-Fijian origin in its core team (Executive Committee). They are Anoushka Bloem, Anjeet Singh, Khushbu Sundarji and Menka Kumar. As well as leading the way for Indian women in the legal field, they are known for their service to the legal fraternity and others.
Indian Newslink is proud that Anjeet and Khushbu are among its regular contributors.
The Association organised a dinner meeting in Auckland last month, an initiative led by Anjeet following the ease of Covid-19 restrictions. The event was well attended by AWLA members.
About the Association
Established in July 1984, the Auckland Women Lawyers’ Association is a representative organisation of women involved in the legal profession including judges, solicitors, barristers, corporate counsel, law students and community representatives.
It addresses legal issues affecting its members and New Zealand women and children and provides a forum for women lawyers in Auckland to strengthen contacts. Its activities include submissions to Parliament on issues such as paid parental leave, domestic violence and relationship property and organising various other programmes and social events.
Ms Bloem said that as a highly respected organisation, AWLA is supported by the Auckland District Law Society, the New Zealand Law Society, the New Zealand Bar Association, the New Zealand Association of Women Judges and many law firms in Auckland.
“We advocate for women and have written submissions on law reform and briefed counsels to act as amicus curiae in proceedings having significance for women such as the 1997 case of Ruka v Department of Social Welfare. Our Association represents the interests and highlights the issues affecting women solicitors, barristers, judges, in-house counsel, law students and community representatives in the legal profession today,” she said.
Anjeet Singh, a Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer and a Member of the AWLA Team said that the Association operates a mentoring scheme connecting more experienced lawyers with those looking for guidance and career support in the same or similar area of practice.
“Every year our Association conducts programmes aimed at upskilling, uniting and inspiring women lawyers and others who share our interests. Some of our programmes in recent years have included workshops, educational seminars, fundraising events and lectures,” she said.