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Anjeet Singh is among New Zealand’s 24 Most Influential Lawyers

(Image published with the permission of NZ Lawyer)

Venkat Raman
Auckland, July 25, 2024

Auckland-based Barrister Anjeet (Anj) Singh, who specialises in Criminal Law and Traffic Law through her firm Anj Singh Law, has been listed as one of the 24 Most Influential Lawyers in New Zealand, bringing pride and honour not only to her family and generation of lawyers but also to the community at large.

It is a matter of special gratification for us at Indian Newslink as we have seen Anjeet progress from her formative years to achieve distinction in one of the most challenging and competitive professions in the world.

The acknowledgement and accolade have come from NZ Lawyer, an independent and highly respected publication of the legal profession.

It undertook an independent survey over four months to identify the top performers in the industry and Anjeet Singh was chosen as one of the distinguished contributors.

It is understood that more than 30 members of the NZ Lawyer’s Intelligence Unit followed a rigorous and robust process of selection that included extensive research and interviews with industry professionals.

NZ Lawyer Managing Editor (Special Reports) Chris Sweeney said that the winners matched the Most Influential Lawyers criteria.

“The standard of individuals nominated illustrated the clear dedication and application of many talented lawyers. Anjeet Singh was recognised as a winner amongst such tough competition due to their impressive accomplishments, forward-thinking mindset and clear contribution to the greater legal sector,” she said.

“Anjeet Singh is known for her meticulous preparation and advocacy skills.”
(Photo by Anjeet Singh)

The Search for Achievers

The Most Influential Lawyers, the fourth in an annual series, opened on March 18 this year seeking candidates in (1) Business (2) Changemakers- lawyers who have been leaders, innovators or catalysts to positive change in any area of the profession (3) Government, Non-Profits and Associations (3) Human Rights, Advocacy and Criminal Law  (4) Young Influencers- young lawyers aged 40 or under who have had an extraordinary impact on the profession of society.

The nominees were asked to detail their achievements, provide examples of their accomplishments and share their contributions to the legal profession on the nomination form. The NZ Lawyer team then evaluated the nominations, reviewing them based on the overall impact of their contributions. The 24 lawyers who made the final list were those who delivered specific outcomes in support of their peers and the industry.

An Outstanding Lawyer

A citation said that for over two decades, Anjeet has achieved outstanding results for her clients, driven by her innate ability to build trusted relationships based on mutual respect.

“Her deep appreciation for New Zealand’s diverse communities and their cultural challenges has propelled her to the forefront of her practice areas of criminal and traffic laws, which she operates under the banner of Anj Singh Law. She is known for her meticulous preparation and advocacy skills,” it said.

Anjeet is celebrated as a trailblazer within the legal fraternity through her steadfast commitment to principles of justice and impartiality. She is highly regarded for her compassion, work ethic, legal expertise and philanthropy.

“NZ Lawyer has recognised her vast contributions by naming her one of Most Influential Lawyers in the Changemaker Category in 2024,” the citation said.

A Compassionate Citizen

In our June 15, 2022 issue, we reported the efforts of Anjeet to raise funds as a part of the ‘For Fiji’ Campaign, in conjunction with the Auckland Women Lawyers’ Association to support students at the University of Fiji.

“Anj is following in the footsteps of her father, Judge Ajit Swaran Singh, who has been an avid supporter of promoting access to education in Fiji. He has taught at The University of Fiji on a pro-bono basis from 2008 to date and is a regular contributor of law books to the University of Fiji. There was already a scarcity of resources in Fiji for students attending university and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has meant that many students are not able to access even the limited resources that were previously available to them. Anj is raising money to support students attending the University of Fiji,” our report said.

Anjeet said that encouraging and motivating students to pursue higher education has always been her goal.

“The reality is that individuals living in impoverished circumstances encounter significant challenges in meeting the financial obligations associated with schooling, including fees, books, uniforms and stationery. Education can be a game-changer,” she said.

Anjeet Singh: One of the 24 Most Influential Lawyers in New Zealand: “Impressive accomplishments, forward-thinking mindset and clear contribution to the Greater Legal Sector.”
(Photo by Anjeet Singh)

A Changemaker

The Choice of Anjeet as a Changemaker gains relevance.

An article published in NZ Lawyer describes Anjeet’s varied qualities and beliefs.

“Her current position as a Board Member of New Zealand Asian Lawyers, along with her previous role as an executive member of its criminal law subcommittee, showcases her commitment to making a positive impact in the Asian community. She excels at bringing people together and driving meaningful change. With her remarkable ability to inspire others, she motivates individuals to take action for worthwhile causes,” the article said.

Mai Chen, a popular Barrister and President of  New Zealand Asian Lawyers said, “Many people have ideas, but implementation is a superpower. Anjeet has that superpower. Anjeet can change the world because she knows how to bring people together and make things happen – a combination of hard work and the ability to motivate people to act for good causes.”

Barristers’ Accolades

Auckland-based Richmond Chambers said, “My assessment of Anjeet is that she is always obliging and consistently well-prepared, and this can only come from a good appreciation and understanding of our laws. Her work in the Courts is outstanding. Anjeet has an extraordinary ability to deal sympathetically and in an understanding way with every matter she deals with. Her diligence and responsible attitude are without equal.”

Barrister Mark Ryan said that having worked closely with Anjeet, her appearances in Court have impressed me and his fellow barristers greatly.

“She can deal with urgent and complex cases with confidence. Anjeet treats others with the utmost respect. She is highly regarded by her peers. Her courteous and compassionate nature is known to all who work with her. With no hesitations, I highly commend her for her ability and the results she achieves,” he said.

Judge Ajit Swaran Singh’s family epitomises humility, honesty, simplicity and compassion. This Photo (Supplied by Anjeet) features Ajit Swaran Singh with his daughters, sons-in-law and grandchildren: Vasant Patel, Shobita Singh-Patel, Meera Patel, Subhag Singh, Anjeet Kaur Singh, Mayur Bhuta, Avita Bhuta and Siddharth Bhuta
(INL File Photo)

A humble past and a glorious present

A distinguishing factor in Anjeet is her humility, love and respect for others, including her peers, superiors in the justice system, members of the family, friends and clients.

The credit for her inimitable qualities goes to her parents Judge Ajit Singh and Subhag.

Anjeet said that her parents successfully transcended the cycle of poverty that they experienced in Fiji through hard work and education.

“I was proud to spearhead an endeavour which brought about a tangible difference to students in my birthplace. I have been involved in many community projects over the years, and what I have learnt is that whether it is a small act of kindness or a significant step towards change, your actions can make a positive impact on the lives of others,” she said.

From Prosecution to Defence, Anjeet is a Changemaker- having turned the lives of many towards the path of redemption and success.

Writing in Indian Newslink, October 1, 2023 issue, Auckland Women Lawyers’ Association President (AWLA) Anoushka Bloem said, “On 2 May 2023, for charitable work and community service, Anjeet was honoured at the House of Lords by an NGO with a very prestigious award named the Bharat Gaurav Award. Bharat Gaurav translates to ‘Pride of India.’ Through her projects over the past 20 years including the AWLA Cultural Extravaganza 2023, Anjeet has made the citizens of India (the land of her ancestors), Fiji (her birthplace) and New Zealand (her home) proud.”

Anjeet is today a source of inspiration as well.

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