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An all-pervasive expression evokes divinity

In our Sri Om Adishakti Ashram, there is no song or sloka without the use of the syllables, ‘Sri Om.’

In response to queries from many devotees, I would like to explain the true meaning and purpose of these syllables.

‘Sri’ (one letter in Sanskrit) is commonly used to address elders or scholars.

In other words, ‘Sri’ means that the addressee is a noble person. It also represents the earth.

When ‘Sri’ and ‘Om’ are joined, one may think that ‘Om’ is predominant, as we are used to it. But ‘Sri’ is predominant here, not used to show respect.

‘Sri Om’ is used to explain about God.

‘Sri’ represents the Ultimate power or energy.

‘Sri’ is omnipotent and omnipresent.

In short, it represents Adishakti, the origin of power or the ultimate source of energy.

When we take ‘Sri’ as the ultimate power or energy, we would realise that it is endless. Every action has to end sometimes.

But ‘Sri’ has no beginning or end. It cannot be brought under any limits.

It is infinite. One may wonder the origin or residence of this endless energy or power.

It resides everywhere or in every living being. It is omnipresent.

What is its capacity? It is omnipotent.

What are its characteristics? It is beyond time, Vedas, Guna (characteristics such as Satva, Tamas, Rajas), Maya (illusion), worries, forms, destruction, sins, reasons, ego and so on.

It is intelligence. It is bliss.

‘Sri’ represents God with omnipotence and ‘Om’ represents its characteristics.

We know that the sound ‘Om’ is everywhere. It is said to have existed ever since the world was created. As it was not created by anyone, it is called ‘Anahata Dhwani’ (Sound without vibrations). The sound is ever-present.

Our Rishis, through their penance felt and heard the sound everywhere in the world. As they explained, there is no sound without Om, just as there is no sound without light.

There is no thunder without lightning. Light may not reach all places but its sound does. Therefore, it is proper that we respect light and sound.

I advise all devotees to chant ‘Sri Om’ and reach the Lotus feet of Adi Shakti, the original source of energy.

Sri means light, Om means sound

Sri means Origin of Energy, Om means Energy

Sri means Paramathma, Om means Athma

Sri and Om are inter-related and are equally important.

Without Sri, there is no Om.

Source: ‘Devi’s Voice,’ a publication of Sri Om Inc New Zealand, a religious and charitable organisation that has purchased land in New Lynn (7 Tomo Street) to construct a Temple and Community Hall. The Bhoomi Pooja was held recently (Indian Newslink, February 15, 2012). Donations can be credited to Westpac Account Number 03-0252-0843274-00.

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