Amma New Zealand spreads message of love, community welfare

Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, the ‘Hugging Mother’ (Wikipedia Photo)

Dr Siva Kumar
Wellington, May 31, 2022

Satguru Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, known throughout the world affectionately as “Amma,’ is a spiritual leader, humanitarian and visionary who has been serving the world-community for decades, imparting wisdom, strength, and inspiration.

Through her extraordinary acts of love, inner strength, and self-sacrifice, Amma has endeared herself to millions and inspired thousands to follow in her path of selfless service.

About Amma New Zealand

Amma New Zealand is a community organisation established in August 2007 to promote Amma’s message of peace, love, and compassion in New Zealand. Inspired by the concept of “Embracing the World” (, an international network of regional humanitarian initiatives, it organises humanitarian, spiritual, cultural, and environmental projects across different cities in New Zealand.

Amma New Zealand observed the Earth Day on April 22, 2022, in collaboration with Conservation Volunteers by organising the ‘Tree Care Project’ to help release young trees that were planted in winter from growing weeds that can smother and prevent the natives from growing.

Volunteers of the Organisations donated blood through the New Zealand Blood Service on April 25, 2022, as the country marked the ANZAC Day. Many first-time donors supported the drive, conducted under the theme, “Give Blood, Save Lives.”

Amma New Zealand regularly donates grocery and warm clothes to the Auckland City Mission, the Wellington Night Shelter, and the Downtown Community Ministry.

Through the Mother’s Kitchen initiative, the Organisation feeds homeless people with cooked meals in Auckland and Wellington.

Our Staff Reporter adds:

Dr Siva Kumar, newly elected President, Amma New Zealand

About Siva Kumar

Dr Siva Kumar was appointed as President of Amma New Zealand at its Annual General Meeting held recently. He is based in Wellington.

Obtaining a doctorate (PhD) in Software Engineering from Victoria University of Wellington in 2013,

Dr Siva Kumar is currently Managing Director of Agile Aotearoa (New Zealand), an organisation which provides coaching, mentoring, and training in Agile ways of working with a focus on helping New Zealanders to be agile.

He is a recipient of the Multicultural New Zealand Community Service Award (2016) and the Indian Newslink Community Award for Excellence in Services in New Zealand (2019).

His leadership roles have included Amma New Zealand (Vice President from March 2019 to May 2022), Wellington Mutamizh Sangam (President from July 2014 to August 2017), Advisor (January 2018 to August 2019); New Zealand Hindu Association (Secretary from October 2018 to February 2020); Multicultural Council of Wellington (Executive Committee from July 2015 to November 2017); Multicultural Learning and Support Services (Board Member: June 2015 – April 2017).

Blood Donation is a part of the activities of Amma New Zealand

About Mata Amritanandmayi Devi

Everyone may not accept her as a Deity to worship, but to millions of people around the world, Mata Amritanandamayi Devi is ‘Amma’ or Mother, whose love, care, affection, and compassion transcend religions, faiths, and ethnicities.

People afflicted by physical ailments, disabilities, mental depression, and a host of other problems would be at huge gatherings in villages, towns, and cities, hoping that Amma would set her eyes upon them. Invariably she would do so and with a single smile and embrace, cure them of their afflictions.

More than the proverbial Midas touch, her compassion heals people. It is little wonder that their initial awe and admiration make them a follower and soon they begin to consider her as a Supreme Being, worthy of worship.

Responsibility towards the environment: Amma New Zealand volunteers after a tree-planting event

Source of endearment

With her charming smile and humility, ‘Amma’ has endeared herself to millions of people around the world, starting from her native ‘Parayakadavu,’ a village in the Quilon district in the South Indian state of Kerala, where she was born on September 27, 1953, and named ‘Sudhamani.’

Even as a child, she displayed distinct compassion towards the poor, the needy and the downtrodden and wanted to do her best to alleviate their pain and suffering.

She was also known for her famous hug that cured people of stress, illnesses and suffering and was affectionately called, ‘The Hugging Mother.’

Amma’s following is said to be growing in New Zealand and each year her Birthday celebrations witnesses an increasing number of people dedicated to spreading her concept of social service and community care. Amma New Zealand has been actively spreading her teachings to the communities in the country.


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