War! Bloodshed! Hatred! Enmity!
The world is passing through very turbulent times and so-called ‘religious’ fanatics are causing an upstir in the name of their faiths.
Nations, acting on the pretext of bringing about peace, are in fact further causing the fall into a spiral of unrest and agitation.
The root cause of the problem lies in the lack of equity and justice.
Equality important
In order to ensure world peace, it is necessary to look beyond manmade borders and understand that everyone is the creation of God and everyone has equal rights despite race, nationality, creed or faith.
The religion of Islam, which essentially means peace, teaches just that.
The well-known motto of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, ‘Love for All, Hatred towards None’ is especially highly resonant at a time when other groups are disturbing world peace through bigoted and fanatical beliefs.
Islamic values
Ahmadi Muslims, whilst holding fast to the core teachings of Islam, work tirelessly to serve their respective nations.
Blood drives, charity walks, fundraising, feeding the hungry, providing universal education, disaster relief schemes and improving the living standards of people in the developing world are all part and parcel of being a true Muslim.
Despite differences in race, background, and nationality all members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community spanning over 206 countries are united under one spiritual leader, the Khalifa of Islam, and under his guidance, in accordance with the teachings of Islam, strive to establish true peace in the world.
Leader exemplifies
The current head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, has spearheaded many schemes with the aim to spread peace throughout the world.
He has addressed many world leaders and taken the message of peace to Capitol Hill in Washington, the European Parliament in Brussels, the Houses of Parliament in London and he even delivered an address in our Parliament in Wellington to name but a few.
Annual National Peace symposiums in which guests from all walks of life, from politicians to religious leaders, come together for open dialogue are a regular feature with the community.
Important teachings
According to the community, which was founded by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi, service to humanity is just as important and equally a part of the Islamic teachings, as is the worship of God; the two are inseparable.
In June this year, I attended an Ahmadiyya Muslim youth event in the UK.
The 5000 members of the youth present at this event simultaneously filled the air with echoes, each one pledging to do their utmost for their country and nation; loyalty to the country we are living in is part of faith and upholding the law is our fundamental duty.
Peace, tolerance, justice, equality, mutual respect, co-existence, harmony and serving your nation along with worshiping God are at the heart of true Islamic teachings.
Arguably these are the core fundamentals for a peaceful harmonious world.
Prophet’s Message
The community seeks to revive the true teachings of Islam; teachings of peace, equality and love. The unrelenting benevolence and peace shown by the Prophet Mohammed, goes unparalleled and is the message which the community has been conveying to the world.
What we desire for everyone is a bright and better future for now and for our generations to come. This grand work starts with us taking self-responsibility and contributing effectively towards peace and integration. There is no time greater than now, to show mutual love and respect; uniting and striving forwards to make this world a better place.
Mustenser Qamar is the new Maulana at the ‘Bait Ul Muqueet’ or ‘The House of God pictured here.