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Homage to Sanjay Badakere on the first Anniversary

Venkat Raman
Auckland, May 5, 2021

Sanjay Badakere

When about 800 men and women gather to enjoy the lilting music from the films of the late Raj Kapoor next weekend, they will in effect be paying homage to another noble soul that was liberated on May 5, 2020.

‘Sunehri Yaadein,’ the annual programme organised by Swar Sadhana Academy and Ravi Shetty Concepts at Dorothy Winstone Centre, Auckland Girls Grammar School on May 8, 2021 will reflect the musical proclivities of Sanjay; his involvement in the choice of songs and singers was complete, contributing to the success of the event.

Devotion and Commitment

Raj Kapoor showed devotion and commitment to everything that he did during his illustrious career. He promoted quality and insisted on sincerity of purpose in everyone around him; which was why his films became subjects of discussion, even if they bombed at the box office.

Sanjay displayed the same penchant for loyalty in his life and in those around him.

In essence, many of the songs that will be rendered at the forthcoming show would reflect Sanjay’s preferences because he had conceived the show a few years ago.

He had told his wife Sandhya Badakere (a popular Hindustani Music Teacher and performer at concerts) and some of us that he will be ‘present’ at every edition of ‘Sunehri Yaadein’ in spirit, for he was the soul and spirit of this event since it began more than a decade ago.

A year goes by

It is with great regret that we reported his passing at a West Auckland Hospital on May 5, 2020, after losing a brave battle that he fought against odds.

There was no funeral service for the 68-year-old Sanjay since he had donated his body for medical research.

He left behind Sandhya, their daughters Priyanka and Ritika and their respective husbands Siddharth and Jatin Puri. Priyanka and Siddarth live in the US.

Disciplined accountant

The Reporter has known the members of the Badakere family since their arrival in New Zealand about 18 years ago. Sanjay was a qualified accountant who worked in a number of commercial establishments, before establishing franchise offices of SBA Small Business Accounting in Mount Roskill and Pakuranga about eleven years ago.

Soft and extremely gentle in his manners, he was known for choosing his customers and keeping them ‘clean and disciplined.’

His forgiving approach and affable manners endeared him to colleagues and a large circle of friends in New Zealand and India.

His life would be a model for those seeking finesse and high values.

Artistic proclivities

Mr Badakere was an ideal husband and father and encouraged Sandhya to establish her Swar Sadhana Academy of Indian Music, which today has three branches in Auckland conducting musical classes, voice training and other forms of performing arts.

Sanjay’s gesture of donating his body for medical research is considered noble. Six years ago, Sandhya’ mother Sudha Rao also donated her body for medical research following her death on April 25, 2020 (ANZAC Day).

Sanjay had always adopted a philosophical approach to life.

“Do not pause to mourn. The world must go on. Forget all the harm that anyone could have caused to you or to someone known to you. Everything is a part of life,” he would say.

Indian Newslink stand with Sandhya, Priyanka, Ritika and their respective families in their bereavement, in their celebration of his life and in their organisation of ‘Suneheri Yaadein.’

Sanjay Badakere was one of a kind.

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