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Obama’s taking makes the world no safer

Few video clips released over the past few years showed him in the caves of Afghanistan, in stark contrast to where he was ultimately located. Those video clips strayed his trackers into the rugged mountain terrains, whilst Osama lived in a million dollar mansion, close to Pakistan’s army barracks.

Osama led his Al Qaeda towards terrorist activities, making the world shudder. With the attack on the Twin Towers in New York on September 9, 2001, he gained formidable notoriety as the most dangerous terrorist in the world, drawing more attention than any other leader.

Despite a reward of $US 25 million on his head, remained in hiding, nested in a garrison town of Pakistan, which was a strong US ally in hunting him down. The country was receiving $US 1 billion a year for the past nine years for the hunt.

The crucible

Here is the crucible. Did the Pakistan Army, responsible for his capture, looked the other way from his residence, which was within its confines? Was it complicit or incompetent?

To most observers, Pakistan is a failed state that will crumble without financial support from the US and surrender to Muslim extremists. Pakistan will then pose the gravest nuclear threat to the world.

Many now see Pakistan as a safe haven for terrorists and say that the US investment against fighting terrorism will not be fruitful if Islamabad retains its devious and deceitful stance. Some observers say that the Pakistani Army is in cahoots with the terrorist operatives in Pakistan and that the Asif Ali Zardari Government exists at the mercy of the Army.

Al Qaeda has suffered a setback but its impact will not be known for some time.

The UK and US are on high alert, expecting a backlash from Al Qaeda and/or its associates. American celebration following the killing of Osama was widespread and boisterous.

The evil monster

Undoubtedly, Osama represented evil. In the name of religion, he was responsible for killing, maiming and destroying the lives of thousands of families.

To paddle his trade in human misery, he did not spare innocent women and children. There was no value or respect for human life in Al Qaeda.

However, he proved that he was a coward by hiding behind in 29-year-old wife when the US rained his home with bullets. His two other wives and several children were not involved in the mêlée.

He used Islam to arouse Muslims against the West in general and the US in particular. Yet, he killed more Muslims than non-Muslims in his despicable missions in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

History bears indisputable testimony that more people died in the name of religion than in the two global wars. People like Osama have sullied the name of Islam and non-Muslims view it as a religion of violence when love, tolerance, charity and forgiveness are some of its core values.

Despite his death, the world is not safer.

Rajendra Prasad is our Columnist, a thinker and writer. He lives in Auckland.


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