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With $26.2 billion, Auckland Council gets its biggest budget

Phil Goff

Auckland, June 2, 2018

The Auckland Council decided on Thursday, May 31, 2018 to implement Mayor Phil Goff’s ‘Build-it’ Budget, agreeing the largest-ever investment in Auckland’s infrastructure: $26.2 billion across the next 10 years.

Following is a Statement issued by Mr Goff:

This is a fantastic day for Auckland, beginning 10 years of transformative work that tackles the critical issues of transport congestion and protecting our environment.

These issues have sat in the too-hard basket for too long, but not anymore.

For a Better Auckland

This Council has taken responsibility for delivering a better Auckland that will over time have a more efficient and effective transport network, more houses, cleaner water and a healthier environment.

We have not only agreed the largest-ever investment in Auckland’s infrastructure, but also are delivering those things that make our city exciting and inclusive, including additional funding for sports and recreation, cultural facilities, charitable organisations and community initiatives.

Building infrastructure

It’s now time to get on and build the infrastructure that Auckland desperately needs and begin the important work with our local boards and Independent Maori Statutory Board that will deliver positive outcomes across all of Auckland for our local communities.

Our consultation with Aucklanders showed support for investing in those things that matter to them. They want us to deliver a better transport network, cleaner water and to protect our natural environment, and today Auckland Council has agreed to do just that.

For all Aucklanders

Councillor Ross Clow, Chair of the Finance and Performance Committee welcomed the Budget, saying that it was for all of Auckland.

“It is not just focused on one geographical area or one issue – the whole of the city will see tangible, positive impacts from this budget in a range of different ways and that is really important. I am especially pleased that the Panuku work programme and the Local Board One Local Initiatives are included as they are both really important pieces of work that will make Auckland a better place for us all now, and will leave a lasting legacy that will benefit generations to come,” he said.


Photo Caption:

  1. Auckland Mayor Phil Goff (Picture Supplied)
  2. A view of Auckland (Auckland Council Photographs)

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