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Minister extols Pakistani community

Ethnic Affairs Minister Hekia Parata has extolled the resident members of the Pakistani community for their contributions to the progress of New Zealand and their hard working and resilient nature.

She said New Zealand and Pakistan stood together on a number of issues.

“We have worked, and continue to work positively in a range of international forums including the Commonwealth, United Nations, World Trade Organisation and the Cairns Group. We also enjoy strong sporting, educational and cultural links which help build the bonds of friendship between our two countries,” she said, speaking at the Pakistan National Day celebrations held at the Diplomatic Mission in Wellington on March 23.

Ms Parata said there was much potential for higher levels of bilateral relations and closer economic cooperation between the two countries.

She said trade and economic cooperation offered increasing prospects for greater constructive engagement.

She lauded the initiative of Pakistan High Commissioner Syed Ibne Abbas in establishing the Pakistan New Zealand Chamber of Business and Professionals last year, to promote trade relations.

“I am sure that this organisation will encourage businesses in both countries to engage with each other more effectively and promote bilateral trade,” she said.

Ms Parata said New Zealand and Pakistan were victims of natural disasters over the past few months.

“Like many New Zealanders, I was shocked by the images of floods in Pakistan that displaced 17 million people from their homes last year. Our Government responded quickly, providing substantial assistance for disaster relief and reconstruction efforts. Pakistan’s messages of support following the two earthquakes in Canterbury are much appreciated and provide encouragement to those now trying to rebuild their lives,” she said.

Our Correspondent Naseem Soherwardy adds:

The Pakistani community in Auckland commemorated the Pakistan National Day on March 26 at Hays Park School.

March 23 raises a volley of emotions. The events that occurred several decades ago in the Indian Subcontinent are recalled now with respect and patriotism.

The British sought India’s support on the wake of the World War II. Their overtures to the Congress Party worried the Muslim community. The All India Muslim League convened a General Session on March 22, 1940 at Minto Park (now called Iqbal Park) in Lahore.

Abul Kashem Fazul Huq, then Chief Minister of United Bengal moved a Resolution for the creation of an Islamic State in the North West of India. The resolution received support from Maulana Zafer Ali Khan (Punjab), Sardar Aurangzeb (Khyber Pakhtoon Khaw), Sir Abdullah Haroon (Sindh) and Qazi Esa (Baluchistan).

The Resolution became a reality on August 14, 1947 with the creation of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

To commemorate the event, March 23 is observed as the National Day in Pakistan.

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