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Petition against dismissal of Philosopher Shaw

More than 150 persons have raised their voice against the decision of the Victoria University to dispense with the services of Professor of Philosophy Dr Jaysankar Lal Shaw.Petition against-Professor Jay Shaw

Stated to be a ‘declaration of redundancy,’ the move is effectively an act of dismissal, says Alexander Janet, a lead petitioner.

He sent us the following:

Reconsider Dr Jay Shaw’s position as a lecturer at the Victoria University as he will be dismissed from the end of the second semester 2015.

His passion for teaching philosophy is one of the most important aspects of his life. He has gone so far as to propose his services free of charge at the University.

The significance

Dr Shaw has dedicated his life to teaching. His passion for philosophy and the sharing of knowledge are the core of his persona.

He has learned and taught around the world, from New Zealand, to India, Hawaii, France, England, Canada, Australia and many other countries.

He is the co-founder of the Society for Philosophy and Culture that now exists in three countries and has produced a large amount of philosophical books, seminars and three international conferences, of which, the most recent was the First International Interdisciplinary Conference in New Zealand on the topic of ‘Mind, Body and Self’ (Indian Newslink, August 15, 2015)

But that is not all.

Dr Shaw has also established a scholarship for Postgraduate students of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities. He is the second person in the history of New Zealand to be acclaimed with not one, but two Festschrift (a publication honouring one’s academic achievements) and more importantly, through his courses, he promotes all kind of philosophies which includes Maori and other less popular philosophies.

Finally, his relationship with the students is quite amazing, for not only has he given his personal contact details by announcing that the time of day was irrelevant in regards to the importance of philosophical questions, he has at multiple occasions organised study sessions for and provided food for the whole class from his own initiative. To be more accurate, Dr Shaw has ordered so many pizzas that he now has a special relationship with Pizza Hut!

The passion

When someone with so much passion and knowledge that has proved his dedication countless times, and is dismissed from his position without legitimate grounds, it is our duty, for those that have thrived thanks to Dr Shaw’s energy, to defend his willingness to continue to teach, especially when it promotes holistic knowledge which empowers both students and minorities through the transmission of Eastern and Maori Philosophies.

Dr Shaw’s impressive CV and achievements are way too long to be listed here and can be found at

Please sign the petition at

Photo :

Professor Jaysankar Lal Shaw

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