Drunkenness leads to arrests, disturbing weekend fun

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Praneeta Mahajan
Hamilton, September 23, 2024

Waikato Police have expressed their disappointment following a chaotic night in Hamilton’s central business district (CBD), where drunken behaviour led to 30 arrests late Saturday, September 21, 2024. The arrests, related to disorderly behaviour, obstruction, and outstanding warrants, represented a significant spike in criminal activity compared to a typical Saturday night in the city.

Police officers encountered widespread intoxication and disorder, with three individuals arrested for assault, 11 for disorderly conduct, and five for obstruction. In a troubling turn of events, five of those detained physically interfered with officers during the arrest of other offenders and were charged with obstruction.

“This type of behaviour is disappointing and creates distress among the community, particularly for those who were out socialising responsibly,” said a police spokesperson.

Events contribute to chaos

The unusually high number of arrests came on a night when several events were being held in different venues across the central city. Police presence had been established in the area from 8 pm, with additional officers called in to manage the rising disorder as the night progressed. Senior police officers also inspected ten licensed premises to ensure compliance with liquor licensing rules.

In addition to the arrests, ten liquor ban infringements were issued to individuals for consuming alcohol in public areas, further adding to the night’s disruptions.

Warning for the warmer months

Police are warning the public that with daylight savings and warmer weather on the horizon, the city’s nightlife is expected to become busier. Authorities have assured that they will maintain a strong presence in the CBD to deter antisocial behaviour and hold offenders accountable.

“People need to allow police to do their job, especially in situations like this where public safety is at stake. We will continue to take enforcement action when individual behaviour negatively impacts Hamilton’s hospitality scene,” the police spokesperson added.

Most of those arrested on Saturday night were bailed and will appear in court at a later date, while those with existing warrants were scheduled to face court on Monday, September 23, 2024.

Praneeta Mahajan is an Indian Newslink reporter based in Hamilton.

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