Luxon promises economic revival at Manurewa election rally

National Party Leader Christopher Luxon with Manurewa National Party Candidate Siva Kilari at the latter’s election rally on July 13, 2023 (Photo Supplied)

More than 1100 people mark a record crowd to support National candidate Siva Kilari

Venkat Raman
Auckland, July 19, 2023

Better financial management, tax relief, building infrastructure for growth and reinstating law and order will be among the priorities of a government led by the National Party, its Leader Christopher Luxon has said.

Speaking at the election rally organised by Siva Kilari, National Party’s Candidate in the South Auckland suburb of Manurewa last Friday (July 13, 2023), he accused the Labour government of wrong policies compounded by wrong priorities and said that only the National Party has the right solutions to bring the economy back on track.

“Kiwis are struggling because the economy is damaged. This has seen costs outstrip wages as food, fuel, rents and mortgages skyrocket, creating a cost-of-living crisis. Crime has increased. The Labour government is spending an extra $28,000 per household each year but this money is being wasted on bureaucrats, consultants, and ideological projects,” he said.

More the 1100 people attended the meeting, setting a new record for a new candidate standing in the opponent’s constituency. Manurewa has been a Labour stronghold since its creation in 1963, except for one term, in 1975, won by the National Party.

National Party Manurewa Candidate Siva Kilari speaking at the Public Meeting organised by him at Manurewa on July 13, 2023 (Photo Supplied)

Tribute to Indian Community

Paying tributes to hard-working New Zealanders in general and the Indian community in particular, Mr Luxon said that a government under his leadership will invest in essential services such as the Police, medical practitioners (Doctors, Nurses and Midwives) and education.

“We will put an end to wasteful spending and get the nation’s accounts in order, offer tax relief to all New Zealanders, cut bureaucracy and red tape and implement measures and programmes that will attract talent and grow skills. We will also promote innovation and technology and encourage trade and investment,’ he said.

Mr Luxon said that he is committed to reviving talks with the Indian government to promote viable and meaningful Free Trade Agreements, talks on which have been halted by the Labour government.

“India is the world’s largest democracy and the fastest growing economy. We must achieve a trade deal which will benefit both countries. This will be one of the priorities of my government and we will start on a clean slate,” he said.

Earlier, Mr Kilari introduced Mr Luxon as a simple, hard-working and realistic man who wants to enable all New Zealanders to achieve their potential and aspirations.

National’s priorities

“People tell me every day about how they cannot buy cereal or warm clothes because they do not have enough money. The cost of living has skyrocketed with higher costs of groceries, petrol and all other essentials. Rent and the cost of electricity have also been on the rise. People are struggling to fill petrol in their cars and purchase vegetables and other items. It is heartbreaking to hear people suffer,” he said.

It is so sad to hear and it makes me so angry because we know that a lot of this pain and suffering has been made worse and actually is because of this Labour government not doing their job to spend the money wisely and to make the right infrastructure. They have left criminals to do what they want while the good citizens are crying for help. It honestly makes me very angry.

National Party Leader Christopher Luxon with members of the Sikh Community at the election rally organised by Manurewa Candidate Siva Kilari on July 13, 2023 (Photo Supplied)

Mr Kilari said that a National government under Mr Luxon will make New Zealanders once again proud of their country, with all the right measures in place.

“He will fix the broken system, build better roads, improve the transport network and put criminals in their place. He will accelerate the pace of economic growth and give New Zealand a world-class health system. New Zealand will become a more attractive destination for international education and most important of all, people will be able to breathe again,” he said.

Mr Kilari said that the people of this country can afford to dream of a better future for themselves, their families and their succeeding generations.

“New Zealanders will not be thinking of surviving but will be thriving once again. They will share their aspirations and enjoy better opportunities for a better life. They will dream big and the National government and its leader will be beside them,” he said.

Among those who attended the rally were National Party Members of Parliament, new Candidates contesting at various other electorates, community leaders and members of Indian, Fiji-Indian, South Asian, Maori, Pacifica and European communities.

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