Youngster sets three key pillars for Papakura Local Board

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Auckland, September 12, 2022

Kritika Selach is a young, well-known local in the Papakura community who has the vision to bring a new perspective to the Papakura Local Board.

She is a proud young woman born and raised in Papakura, Auckland. Currently residing in the area, she decided to run in the Local Elections at 18, launching an independent campaign as one of the youngest candidates running for the local board in the country.

Community Involvement

She has been involved in community advocacy for Papakura since she was 14.

She has attended local schools, Papakura Central School, Rosehill Intermediate and Rosehill College; over the last five years, she has been involved in the Papakura Youth Council and is the current Chairperson.

She has always been motivated by bringing more young people into advocacy and knowing the importance of their voices.

“I have worked to bring various community projects on different topics such as Financial Literacy, events and initiatives into Papakura and been a voice for local board consultations, submissions and council budget plans,” she said.

Kritika has gained valuable experience through various endeavours. She holds experience working as a banking professional for ASB Bank to accelerate financial progress for all New Zealanders. She is an ex-member of the Rosehill College Board of Trustees and believes educational governance and connection with schools is an imperative component of the local community. She is also a Fitness Trainer who spends Saturdays running Bhangra Fit classes at the local gym.

Papakura Local Board

“I want to be a visible and approachable leader who is at the forefront of the community,” she said. One of her motivations for running is to aim to boost voter turnout in the local elections, In the last local body elections, voter turnout was less than 45% across Aotearoa, so I want to engage more people along with the younger ages to vote as a healthy democracy needs to ensure people know to vote,” she said.

The Papakura Local Board extends from Drury in the south to Alfriston in the North and includes Takanini, Red Hill, Hingaia – Karaka Harbourside & Lakes, Pahurehure and the current Papakura town centre.

She believes that a critical component of political decisions is fresh perspectives.

“My vision for Papakura is constructed through three key pillars, a connected, sustainable and safe town that prospers, which we can pass on to our future generations. I want to work with the residents to create a Papakura where we as the local community can grow, thrive and flourish,” Kritika said.

A diverse perspective

Kritika is a Punjabi Sikh woman who takes pride in her culture and is rooted within the Indian community.

“Papakura is a diverse town and having diversity on the local board table is a strength for the community, the decisions that are made on the local level impact all of us. Therefore, it is important to ensure every part of the community is represented well,” she said.

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