Eid Al Fitr brings the Message of Goodwill

Ibrar Sheikh
Wellington, May 2, 2022

Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

Alhamdullilah, we have successfully completed the month of fasting prescribed to us by Allah Azza Wa Jall. Today, we give thanks to Almighty Allah for giving us an opportunity to celebrate Eid Al Fitr with our beloved families and friends.

Eid Al Fitr is one of the greatest festivals in the Muslim calendar. As soon as the New Moon is sighted, Eid Al Fitr will be grandly celebrated the next day by Muslims all over the world.

Eid Al Fitr festival marks the end of Ramadan (fasting).

Allah’s Infinite Mercy

We pray that Almighty Allah accepts the fasts, prayers, charity, good deeds and supplications of all those who fasted with sincerity and religious fever and may Allah Azza Wa Jall shower His infinite mercy and bounties on all of us. A’ameen. Certainly, fasting in the month of Ramadan elevates the level of spirituality of a person so that there will be tolerance and love for others and brings unity amongst us. Joys are doubled when they are shared. Eid brings a message of brotherhood to all of us.

The culmination of a month-long period of fasting where Muslims abstained from food and drinks that they are used to enjoying during the day, as well as the increased prayers and steadfastness in the month point to a belief in and submit oneself to Almighty Allah.

In this spirit, we should humble ourselves to praise Allah Azza Wa Jall, the Creator of humans and the universe for giving us yet another opportunity to have observed the fasting and to celebrate the Eid with family and friends.

Ibrar Sheikh, President, Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand (INL Photo)

Offering Gratitude

Eid Al Fitr is an occasion to offer our gratitude to Allah Subhaanahu Ta’ala for bestowing His blessings on us and to seek forgiveness from Him. It is also an auspicious day for us to strengthen our bond and forgive the shortcomings of our family members and friends. On this Eid Al Fitr, let us all present our good wishes and sincere greetings to our Muslim brethren in all parts of the world and to people who are being continually affected by war or being displaced within their own countries because of internal conflicts. Our thoughts are also with all those less fortunate Muslims in other parts of the world that are facing economic and political difficulties. May Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala alleviate their sufferings and reward them with lasting peace and prosperity.

Let us use the occasion of Eid to spread peace, compassion and friendship to our relatives, neighbours, and friends. I urge Muslim New Zealanders to invite their neighbours and friends to partake in this joyous occasion and cultivate a better understanding of the wider community.

On behalf of FIANZ Executives, Council, and staff members, I extend a very hearty Eid Al Mubarak to everyone. Let us all enjoy the festival of Eid by thanking Allah Azza Wa Jall for His favours and bounties. Let us all pray that we get many more opportunities to observe the blessed month of Ramadan and reap the rewards by following the commands of Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala.

May Allah Azza Wa Jall make us among the righteous people and grant us success in this world and hereafter. A’ameen

Eid Mubarak! Kullu A’am Wa Antum Bi Khair.

Ibrar Sheikh is the President of the Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand.

Greetings from Us

Eid celebrations that commence on the first day of ‘Shawwal’ follow the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan, are shared not only by Muslims but also by other communities and faiths.

Indian Newslink takes pride and pleasure in presenting this small Special Report marking Eid-Al-Fitr. This feature carries a collection of articles written by our team of contributors and reporters, along with messages of greetings and advertisements announcing specials for the shopping public.

We extend our sincere greetings to our advertisers, readers and well-wishers in New Zealand and rest of the world on the occasion of the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan.

The Indian Newslink team.


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