Advertising executives marketing a publication are often caught in a cyclic conundrum. Advertisers and advertising agencies say ‘see us after a few issues’ but no issue can come out without advertising! It is a proverbial Catch 22, with success assured to those who deliver the promised quality.
Indian Newslink, like any other newspaper, sustains itself on advertising and has been privileged to carry the support of advertisers from a broad spectrum of the economy. There are corporate and individual, contractual and casual and wholesale and retail advertisers, each of whom has stood by us, lending support and encouragement.
All you have to do is to look at the first and the latest issue to get the idea.
Indian Newslink would like to acknowledge with gratitude the patronage extended by its advertisers over the years.
…. and contributors
A newspaper does not thrive by its staff alone. It often looks to experts in various fields to enhance the value of its editorial content. They supplement opinions, clarify issues and at times raise a controversy and debate. Everything in fact to make life worth living and a newspaper worth reading.
Indian Newslink has a poll of contributors and overseas correspondents including ministers, politicians, top government officials, judges, lawyers, entrepreneurs, journalists and entertainers, helping the newspaper extend its scope and content. They have always risen to the occasion, often at short notice, to keep readers informed or entertained.
We offer our sincere salutations to them and say how privileged we are to have them in our columns and look forward to reading more of their thoughts and opinions on issues of national and social significance in the editions to follow.